Federal Department of Labor Puts the Spotlight on SHARE UBTs

UBTs get Kudos in National Forum

At the recent online “Power of Partnerships” event — held by the Federal Department of Labor for a nationwide audience — Facilitator Javier Ramirez asked professor Peter Lazes (author of “From the Ground Up: How Frontline Staff Can Save America’s Healthcare”) to give a high-level view of how labor-management partnership can be used to address challenges in healthcare.

In his response, Dr. Lazes jumped right into a description of the SHARE-UMass Memorial Unit Based Teams. Dr. Lazes described how front-line SHARE members are able to carve time out of the schedule to solve problems in working conditions, specifically pointing out how the UBTs have given frontline employees better access to the equipment they need, and reduced patient wait times, thereby reducing frustrations for everyone.

UBT shout-out in Federal Publication

UBTs were also featured in a recent Federal Department of Labor bulletin. Congratulations to the Outpatient Psych department UBT, and especially to SHARE member Wanda Dyer, who is quoted there saying, “The Labor-Management Partnership between the hospital and the SHARE union allowed us to be involved in a Unit Based Team (UBT) where I was comfortable talking about the challenges in the workflow.”

Louise Bachand and Wanda Dyer at the recent SHARE UBT Fair

SHARE Partnership Special: New Videos, UBTs in the National Spotlight, and More!

SHARE has designed, negotiated for, and cultivated the Unit Based Team program as a powerful way for members to be directly involved in the design of our own work. This special newsletter highlights exciting developments since the recent success of the UBT Fair.

SHARE Members on Youtube

With the help of our parent union, AFSCME, we’ve developed three short videos featuring SHARE members who describe what UBTs are, the successes they’ve had, and how the teams make a difference in their work.

All three UBT videos are now prominently featured on the SHARE homepage. Check them out! See anybody you know?

UBTs in the National Spotlight

The US Department of Labor has highlighted the Unit Based Teams in a few of their recent publications and presentations. Read more on the SHARE blog . . .

Congratulations to SHARE member Wanda Dyer, who was quoted in a recent nationwide DOL bulletin, where Wanda describes, “The Labor-Management Partnership between the hospital and the SHARE union allowed us to be involved in a Unit Based Team (UBT) where I was comfortable talking about the challenges in the workflow.

New UBT Coaches

The joint labor-management SHARE-UMass Memorial Partnership Office is growing! UBT experts Will Erickson and Stephanie Pepi have recently been joined by two new UBT Coaches: Jackie Zhou and Joan Perreault. Both have previously worked at UMass Memorial, already demonstrate exceptional skills, and we think they’re fantastic. They’re eager to help support SHARE members to make the current teams stronger and expand UBTs so that even more SHARE members can participate. Welcome Jackie and Joan! We’re excited you’re here!

Welcome to new UBT Coaches Jackie Zhou and Joan Perreault!

SHARE Updates: Tuition Reimbursement and Home Ownership Help

Tuition reimbursement: Increased and expanded

The new Tuition Reimbursement and loan repayment assistance policy in the SHARE contract negotiated last Fall increases the amount of money available to a full-time SHARE member from $2000 to $5250 per year. In addition, what’s eligible for reimbursement has expanded from just college courses to include certificate programs, and to include student debt repayment.

For more information, read the full new contract language regarding tuition reimbursement. To talk to someone with your questions, call the UMass Memorial Benefits Contact Center @ 508-334-8511.

DEADLINE Next week! Affordable Home Ownership Opportunities with Habitat for Humanity

ICYMI, UMass Memorial Hospital recently announced that Habitat for Humanity MetroWest/Greater Worcester is offering two affordable homeownership opportunities in Sturbridge and Worcester for individuals and families within specific income brackets. If you are in need and meet the eligibility criteria, this could be an excellent opportunity for you. UMass Memorial Health is proud to have partnered with Habitat for Humanity MetroWest/Greater Worcester on these projects to support more affordable housing in our region. Through our Anchor Mission, we provided investment to support the construction of the Sturbridge home, and our physicians volunteered in the construction of the Worcester home. Read more on the SHARE website . . .

Habitat for Humanity home nearing completion in Sturbridge

Union Plus Benefits: Home Ownership Help and More

If you’re not making use of Union Plus benefits, you might be missing out. Union Plus can help with home ownership through the Mortgage Assistance program and the Save My Home Hotline, not to mention personal loans and legal assistance. By being a member of a union, you’re also eligible for discounts negotiated on your behalf — from flowers to car rental to movie tickets — and much, much more . . .

Affordable Homeownership Opportunities with Habitat for Humanity MetroWest/Greater Worcester

In case you missed it, SHARE encourages you to take note of the opportunities described in the following notice sent from UMass Memorial Hospital.

Habitat-for-Humanity home becoming available in Sturbridge

Habitat for Humanity MetroWest/Greater Worcester is offering two affordable homeownership opportunities in Sturbridge and Worcester for individuals and families within specific income brackets. If you are in need and meet the eligibility criteria, this could be an excellent opportunity for you. UMass Memorial Health is proud to have partnered with Habitat for Humanity MetroWest/Greater Worcester on these projects to support more affordable housing in our region. Through our Anchor Mission, we provided investment to support the construction of the Sturbridge home, and our physicians volunteered in the construction of the Worcester home.

Worcester: Habitat for Humanity is currently accepting applications for a single-family, attached, 4-bedroom, 2-bath home in Worcester. This home is suitable for a household size of three to eight individuals, with a maximum of four bedrooms. Veterans will be given preference during the selection process. Applications for this opportunity are being accepted from now until July 10, 2023. Learn more about the Worcester home.

Sturbridge: Habitat for Humanity is also currently accepting applications for a single family, 4-bedroom, 2-bath home in Sturbridge. The home is suitable for a household size of three to eight individuals, depending on specific household composition. To be eligible, the applicant's household income must be at least 30% but no more than 60% of the current U.S. Department of Housing and Development (HUD) Worcester median income for their household size. The maximum selling price is currently set at $233,200, subject to change based on the selected applicant's eligible income. Applications for this opportunity are being accepted from now until August 6, 2023. Habitat for Humanity is conducting one-hour information sessions to explain the application process and details of this housing program. Learn more about the Sturbridge home.

To qualify for either of these affordable homeownership opportunities, applicants must meet specific criteria. For more information and to access the application, please visit the Habitat for Humanity MetroWest/Greater Worcester website. Habitat for Humanity's Sturbridge home under construction.

Honoring Juneteenth

Right-click the above image to save it and add it to your email signature to demonstrate to the UMass Memorial community that you value the importance of the Juneteenth holiday.

June nineteenth recognizes an important event in realizing the full emancipation of slaves in the United States. Although the Emancipation Proclamation officially served to end slavery, it took over two years for the words of that statement to be fully enacted. June 19th, 1865 marks the day when, in Galveston, Texas, “union Army General Gordon Granger and 2,000 federal troops arrived to formally inform the enslaved Black and African American people of Galveston and Texas — about a quarter of a million people — that the Emancipation Proclamation had freed them.” (Learn more about the event here.)

Ever since, Juneteenth has been celebrated as a kind of second Independence Day, or Black Independence Day, with its earliest origins in black communities in the American South. The day became officially recognized in Massachusetts in 2007, and became a federal holiday in 2021. You can celebrate locally at events such as Worcester’s annual Black Heritage Festival.

Emancipation Day celebration, June 19, 1900 held in "East Woods" on East 24th Street in Austin. Credit: Austin History Center. Learn more at the The National Museum of African American History and Culture

SHARE values the importance of this day, recognizing the legacy of racism in our country, and the important ways that the labor movement and the rights of BIPOC people (black people, indigenous people, and people of color) have been intertwined, and we will continue to work toward policies, pay structures, and cultural values that foster racial equity in our community right here. 


UMass Chan Medical School has already added the holiday to its list of official holidays. The State’s new legal designation also adds June 19th to the list of dates recognized under Massachusetts’ “Blue Laws,” thereby creating time-off and premium pay requirements for retail employers.  


Most employers, however, including our hospital, are not legally obligated to recognize the federal holiday. Although we urge the hospital to officially recognize this important day, government designations do not affect the current agreement that SHARE and UMass Memorial about the holiday schedule. (See Contract Page 56 for the holiday policy). 

According to a memo from Dr. Brian Gibbs, UMass Memorial Chief Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Officer — sent to all caregivers on the occasion of Juneteenth 2022 —  “we are exploring all options to celebrate this important holiday in the future.” During contract negotiations last year, SHARE proposed that Juneteenth to be added to the list of holidays for SHARE members as part of our contract agreement. The hospital turned down the SHARE proposal, and told the SHARE Negotiating Team that they continue to evaluate the possibility of establishing the day as a paid holiday for the entire UMass Memorial community.

First Ever SHARE UBT Fair a Fantastic Success!

The first ever SHARE UBT Fair is one for the books: a brilliant event showcasing projects completed by twenty-three different teams.

Over 600 caregivers in our hospital community came to check out SHARE members’ successes and learn ways to make work better in their own departments.

SHARE members discovered models for improving systems where they work. For example, the Neurodiagnostic Clinic developed a career ladder for staff there to grow and advance in their career, right in their own department. Seen above are NDC Co-Leads Don Chin and Zenel Kurtishaj.

Projects are designed to make the work better in a department . . . but often the results can be felt downstream, making things better for other caregivers as well.

Michelle Locke (above right), management co-lead of the UBT in the Single Billing Office, appreciated the project co-lead by SHARE member Wanda Dyer of the Outpatient Psychiatry Lean Team (above left). Maximizing co-pay collections at the time of service reduces the amount of follow-up work required down the line.

Representatives from the United States Department of Labor made the trip to see just what was going on here. Labor-Management Partnership Coordinators Darnice Marsh (above, far left) and Andrew Hasty (above, far right) are among those in federal leadership working to understand ways that Labor-Management partnerships like our own can serve as a model for broader improvements.

SHARE organizer Janet Wilder (standing on chair) and UMass Memorial Medical Center President Michael Gustafson (left) applauded the work of the Teams. Janet said that, during our union’s twenty-five year history, changing how it feels to come to work every day has been one of the toughest nuts for SHARE to crack . . . but UBTs have begun to do just that, and that we’re going to keep working to keep things getting better.

Incidentally, if you’ve ever been to a SHARE event before, you know that there had to be singing. This time, “The Locomotion” and “Hotel California” became victims to SHARE’s parody lyrics team.

UMass Memorial CEO Eric Dickson offered a video message of support for Unit Based Teams, citing his own belief that people closest to the work have the best ideas about how to make things better.

Dr. Dickson says that over the past ten years, the hospital system has implemented over 100 thousand frontline staff ideas, and affirms that “without reservation, the huddles that I’ve attended that are a part of the SHARE UBTs are the best in the healthcare system.”

Watch Dr. Dickson’s brief message by clicking the image above.

Everyone who came to the event was a winner, of course, but only one person could go home with the Signature SHARE Chocolate Raffle Basket. Congratulations to Nuclear Medicine Technologist (and SHARE member) Maria Nolan!

Learn more about UBTs at


or contact

The SHARE-UMass Memorial Partnership Office

More scenes of partnership can be found online in the growing Partnership Gallery . . .


Free sandwiches! Celebration! Free chances to win raffle prizes! Making work better! Join us today!

Wednesday, May 10


Faculty Conference Room, UMass Chan Medical Center

Please drop by to show you value having a voice at work


Celebrate the efforts of your fellow SHARE members

Bring your friends & co-workers!

Future UBT events at other sites and online TBA. More to come!

“Never Quit” Service Award Recipient: Shahida Balaparya

click the image to watch Shahida’s story

Congratulations, SHAHIDA!

Every person working to sustain their community better deserves respect, according to SHARE’s parent union, AFSCME. The 1.6 million member union highlights exceptional community service through their “Never Quit” award. SHARE congratulates Shahida Balaparya, a SHARE member and Ultrasound Technologist in the Surgical Vascular Lab, for having her outstanding commitment recognized. Shahida’s story is now highlighted on the AFSCME International website.

SHARE is very proud of the work that members do every day to keep our community healthy and strong, and we couldn’t be more excited to see Shahida’s dedication and hard work recognized nationally.

Do you remember SHARE’s first “Never Quit” award recipient? Former Anatomic Pathology department tech Jackie Rodriguez was recognized in 2019 and continues her service to our hospital community. Click the image above to see Jackie’s story.


We’re looking forward to the first-ever SHARE UBT Fair . . . to getting together, eating free sandwiches, and showing off what the Unit Based Teams are doing!

Please note that a previous publication listed the wrong day. The event will take place on WEDNESDAY May 10 from 11:30-2

Please help us spread the word about that correction and ensure a great turnout. We want to celebrate our Teams’ successes, and want our community to see that SHARE members care about having a say in our workplace. Thank you!

Barre Clinic UBT Solving the Case of the Missing Lab Orders

The Barre Clinic is at it again, having completed a second project thanks to their department’s Unit Based Team. Patients had been arriving to their lab appointments too often with no active orders to complete the labs. After brainstorming what was causing the problem and how they might best solve it, the team came up with an intervention that everyone could agree to try. Ambulatory Service Reps began checking for orders when scheduling lab appointments, and lab staff started entering orders in real-time for any outside orders that were faxed to the clinic, rather than waiting until the patient arrived.

By making these changes to their daily workflow, the staff have seen a decrease in the number of patients arriving without orders. It used to be common for patients to arrive at the lab without orders, now it is a rare occurrence.

“It cut out a lot of extra work,” says UBT Co-Lead Amy Moisan. Staff are no longer chasing down providers to get orders or ask what labs need to be drawn, and patients no longer wait in the clinic while they look for orders and enter them, saving both patients and staff precious time.

W-4 Update: Make Changes Now to Right-Size Your Tax Withholdings

In case you missed it, the following announcement was sent to all UMass Memorial employees. Additional information can be found online at the Internal Revenue Service website. Note the May 31 deadline if you would like to make changes to your withholdings.

What’s The Short Version?

If you haven’t made changes since the 2020 tax law changes, your filing status will default to single in January. If you are not single, that means you are telling the employer to withhold higher taxes from your paycheck. (Note: you get to tell the employer how much to withhold - the single/married/kids status is a guideline for your benefit. If you withhold too little, you get whacked at tax time, and could owe fines for underpayment. If you withhold too much, you get a rebate at tax time.)

None of this means you would owe more taxes - the government would withhold more taxes and you would get some of that back when you filed the next year.  If people who are not single want to keep having taxes withheld the way that are now, they should update their W-4. Read on for the employer’s announcement . . .

TO:                  Impacted UMass Memorial Health Caregivers

FROM:            Jennifer Morrison, Director, Payroll Services, UMass Memorial Health

DATE:             April 3, 2023

SUBJECT:      Take Action by May 31 to Ensure Accuracy of Tax Withholding for Your Pay


UMass Memorial Health is evolving and updating our people-related information systems.


What You Need to Know

  • Due to an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) update, we need you to take action and update/re-enter your tax withholding information.

  • No action could cause more taxes being withheld from your pay beginning in January 2024 compared to what is currently withheld.

  • Note: This applies only to caregivers who submitted a W-4 form prior to 2020. If you completed a W-4 form in 2020 or thereafter, no action is required.


What You Need to Do

  • Between now and May 31, 2023, it is essential that you complete a new W-4 form in HRConnect – even if there are no changes.

  • If no action is taken, your tax withholding status will default to “single” in January, with zero deductions.

    • If this withholding status is not what you normally elect, it could result in a different tax withholding for your pay beginning in January 2024 compared to what is currently withheld.

  • Follow these steps:

    • From a device connected to the UMMHC Network(either through FMD/VPN (Big IP) or onsite): Visit HRConnect > My Payroll > Update My Tax Info

    • When completing the form, please reference this job aid if you need assistance.

  • The IRS offers resources to help you determine the amount of federal income tax to withhold from your pay.



If you have questions, contact the Payroll Office at payrollummhc@umassmemorial.org. Please note that Payroll is not able to give tax advice. If you have any questions on how to complete this form, please reach out to your tax professional.



SHARE Updates: UBT Fair, Investing for Beginners, and more

Save the Date: Unit Based Team Fair, Coming this May!

Investing for beginners

Fidelity Investments is hosting two on-site sessions for UMass Memorial employees to learn about investing. During this 30-minute workshop, they’ll introduce basic terms and concepts as well as different investing styles. Check your work inbox for an email from the employer to sign up for one of the free sessions:

April 18 @ Noon, University Campus Amphitheater III (S6-102)


April 19 @ Noon, Memorial Campus Amphitheater

While all SHARE members automatically accrue toward retirement through the Defined Benefit Pension, the UMass Memorial 401k plan allows you to save for retirement, pre-tax, with UMass Memorial contributing, too. If you’ve been to a SHARE Retirement Training, you know that retirement experts say we should think of a solid retirement income as a three-legged stool, with the pension serving as one leg, Social Security as a second leg, and your total savings functioning as the third leg.

UMass Memorial adds $.50 for each dollar you contribute to your 401k, matching up to 2% of your pay. Memorial CT Technologist and SHARE Executive Board Member Jay Hagan has served as a member of the SHARE team that has negotiated with management about the current retirement benefits. “I think a lot of SHARE members don’t realize they’re leaving money on the table if they don't save through the 401k,” he says. “My financial advisor tells me, 'if you can afford it, the employer-match is really free money.' You could think of it as the hospital paying you to participate. If you don't use the match, it's like giving the money back.”

Deciding the save money with the 401K is a tough choice for many SHARE members. But the younger you start, the less you have to take out of your check each week to reach your goals. If you have questions about SHARE’s negotiated retirement benefits, please contact the SHARE office. If you have questions about your own 401k, contact Fidelity Investments at 800-343-0860, or log on to your Fidelity account at www.fidelity.com/atwork.

Make Sure Your Tax Withholding status is up-to-date

If you haven’t made changes since the 2020 tax law changes, your filing status will default to single in January. In case you missed the memo from UMass Memorial, you can read it here, along with a short explainer from SHARE.

Team Spotlight: Barre’s Unit based TEam

The Barre Clinic is at it again, having completed a second project thanks to their department’s Unit Based Team. Patients had been arriving to their lab appointments too often with no active orders to complete the labs. Read here about the two interventions they identified to solve the problem, saving time and hassle for the SHARE members who work there and their patients.

SHARE Updates: Job Fair, Staffing Shortage, Kronos, UBT Spotlight, and More

JOB Fair: This Saturday, March 25!

Do you have friends and family who are looking for work? SHARE encourages you to let them know about UMass Memorial’s job fair this Saturday, March 25, from 10am-2pm at the Church of the Pentecost, 41 Providence Street, Worcester. The hospital’s event emphasizes the value of the local Ghanaian community to our hospital community, but all job-seekers are welcome. See this flyer for more details.

In the News: The Staffing Shortage

As you know, SHARE members are feeling the burden of the healthcare staffing shortage . . . especially due to short-staffing in their departments. This article from GBH News points out that “Massachusetts hospitals paid a staggering $1.52 billion last year to hire temporary hospital workers, mostly ‘travel nurses,’ amid a labor shortage that contributed to record financial losses for many institutions.” The article cites UMass Memorial’s own CFO, vice president and treasurer, Sergio Melgar; among other things, he says that our hospital ”went into FY 2022 with 600 open jobs, and filling those vacancies with temporary workers was expensive. In some cases, he said, traveling workers were paid triple times the cost of pre-COVID rates.”


UNit Based TEams: Learning from Each Other

At the beginning of March, three dozen Unit Based Team (UBT) Co-Leads and Co-Sponsors joined together for a monthly Peer-Learning event. Participants learned about a useful project at Hahnemann Internal Medicine (see below). They also learned that researchers from Rutgers University are working to understand the impact that UBTs have on frontline work and workers, as well as how to convert an Idea Board idea into a UBT project. Plus! UBT leaders discussed ideas for the upcoming SHARE UBT Fair on May 10th. Everyone is invited. Keep your eyes peeled for more details about that!

Hahnemann Internal Medicine and the Book of Knowledge: it may sound like a novel in the Harry Potter series, but the Unit Based Team in Hahnemann Internal Medicine has created a way to make everyday information — as well as not-so-frequently-asked questions — easily accessible to the staff there. It’s saving SHARE members time and headaches, and could be a useful example for other departments. Learn more about what they've done.


SHARE Organizers met again with executive leadership of UMass Memorial for an update about what’s gotten back to normal, and what hasn’t yet, since the international Kronos cyber-attack. The short version:

  • Underpayment discrepancies due to Kronos have now all been processed

  • Overpayment recoupment is likely to begin in March

  • Paid Time Off/Earned Time is believed now to be correct in your bank

For all the details, see the full Kronos update post on the SHARE blog.

UBT Spotlight: Hahnemann Internal Medicine & The Book of Knowledge

CMG Hahnemann Internal Medicine UBT creates a Book of Knowledge for their clinic so that staff can easily access information

The Unit Based Team in Hahnemann Internal Medicine has created a way to make everyday information — as well as not so frequently asked questions — easily accessible to their staff.

The staff in the clinic found that they were wasting time looking for answers to commonly needed information. They were spending time looking through saved documents and emails to find answers to everyday questions such as accepted insurances, phone numbers, CPT codes just to name a few.

So, they gathered up the information that they had saved in various places to create a binder, or “The Book of Knowledge.” Now, each time they receive new information of value, they add it to the binder so that it is easily accessible.

It’s an uncomplicated idea with a fun, grandiose name. But coordinating this information has saved the staff a lot of time, giving them instant access to needed forms, cutting down on wait times to find information, and having everyone on the same page when giving information to their patients. “Now that we have pertinent information at our fingertips,” says management co-lead Katherine Auger, “the patients can receive correct information from all staff in a timely manner.”

February 2023 Kronos Update

SHARE organizers met again recently with UMass Memorial to discuss payroll updates in the wake of the international takedown of Kronos in December of 2021 (You can find more context and read previous SHARE updates here.) W2’s make this an already busy time for Payroll, but they continue to make progress toward getting things back to normal. According to Sergio Melgar, UMass Memorial Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer: 

  • To the best of their knowledge, Payroll believes that, after a year of work, underpayments due to the Kronos hack have now been corrected: Payroll has processed all of the discrepancies that have been submitted.

  • The big work left to be done by Payroll is overpayments – there are about one thousand employees in that situation. Very few of the overpayments have been collected so far, except in cases where an employee would be leaving the institution, or where the employee requested to begin the process because they recognized they would be required to make a big payback..

  • Recoupment will start soon, probably March. Although the employer is legally entitled to recoup any overpayments, the hospital is currently evaluating the idea of a a “forgiveness threshold.” Because there’s a certain cost to processing collections the hospital expects to waive the repayments from those who were overpaid less than a certain amount. The amount of the threshold is yet to be defined.

  • Paid Time Off/Earned Time banks are now believed to be correct. Some banks were allowed to go negative, and some banks even did so by hundreds of hours. The hospital is currently evaluating plans to allow employees to make that up over time.

  • Although SHARE continues to advocate that each member be issued an accounting statement describing the details of their personal situation — the dates and amounts of any corrections have been made in your case — the employer tells us that creating a simple report is impossible in practical terms, due to the complexity of each case, the variables involved from bargaining unit to bargaining unit, incentives, etc.

  • The hospital is legally required to make sure your pay is correct. SHARE members who believe that their pay or accrued time remain incorrect may contact the Payroll office directly to work out the details. Because reviewing each case can involve several hours for a Payroll Rep, only so many requests can be handled per day, and the queue for a review appointment is likely to be long. Inquiries and disputes should be directed to payrollummhc@umassmemorial.org.

  • A new, unknown type of hack was cause of the previous international cyber-attack on Kronos. We came back in record time compared to other institutions. No one can promise that the systems that UMass Memorial uses will forever remain impervious to cyberattack in the future. However, Sergio Melgar describes that UMass Memorial is rated highly in terms of cyber security, and those systems are subject to continuous review.

Career Opportunity Sessions: Respiratory Therapy

Tonight (Virtual) & tomorrow (In Person)

Learn about a Career as a Respiratory Therapist and the Program at Quinsigamond Community College

Respiratory Therapists are critical to patient care, and that’s been especially true during Covid. And there’s no wait-list for the Respiratory Therapy program!

  • Hear what the job is like from SHARE Respiratory Therapists

  • Get info from Keith Hirst, Program Director, Respiratory Therapy Program, Quinsigamond Community College

  • Ask your questions

  • Pick the meeting time that works best for you:


FEBRUARY 23 — 2P-2:55P — and — 3:35-4:30P — ROOM S1-123, UNIVERSITY CAMPUS

Valentines Are Better with Union-Made Chocolate: A Message from SHARE’s Parent Union, AFSCME

Workers at Rabble-Rouser Chocolate & Craft Co. organized with AFSCME because they know a union is the best way to live their values. It’s true — life is sweeter in a union on Valentine’s Day and every day!

Now is your chance to enter a drawing to win a delicious chocolate bar made by your AFSCME family in Vermont. Enter today for your chance to win!

About the SHARE Contract

The Red Books

Since SHARE members ratified our most recent agreement with the hospital, many have asked when new red Contract booklets will be available. We’re still working with the hospital to incorporate and format the new additions, and hope to have those available to distribute soon.

NOTE: Because our recently-completed negotiations focused primarily on wages, the vast majority of the policy language remains the same from the 2018 agreement, so if you’ve got one of the old red books, hold on to it! It’s still accurate.

Learn about new additions to our agreement with the hospital here.

everything is online

The red books can be handy, and we like them, too. But did you know that all of the information, including our newest agreements and wage tables, is available online?

We’re still working to fold all of the policies into a single document, but you can already use the search tools on the online version of the contract materials to quickly find what you’re looking for. Plus, you can bookmark, download, and print what you need.


Additionally, you can find answers to many Frequently Asked Questions about the Contract and about Raises.

We revisit many of the most popular subjects on the SHARE blog, updating the information as we go along, and explaining useful background in greater detail. If you have specific questions, you can also use this site’s search tools.

Of course, for help with any question, you can always contact your local SHARE Rep, or the SHARE office (508-929-4020).

Valentine's SHARE Updates: Respiratory Career Sessions, Contracts, and more!

Hilda-Gail Achampong Wins the Bee Award

Congratulations to Hilda-Gail Achampong, the first-ever recipient of UMass Memorial’s Bee Award. Hilda was selected from over 150 nominees to receive the award, which recognizes outstanding work going above and beyond to support patients and exemplify standards of respect. She is pictured here with fellow SHARE members and South6 PCAs Chris Franklin and Hellen Itemere. See more on the SHARE blog. We’re very happy for you, Hilda!

Happy Valentine’s Day

If you’ve been around our hospital for very long, you probably know that SHARE has a thing for chocolate. And if you’re still on the lookout for something for your sweetheart, it’s not too late to pick-up some thing union-made. Find chocolates, flowers, spirits and more brought to you by union employees. Plus, this Valentine’s season, two hundred lucky winners will get a free chocolate bar made by AFSCME members at Rabble-Rouser Chocolates. Enter now before the drawing closes on February 28, 2023, for your chance to win!


Beginning this week: SHARE Career Advancement Sessions, Respiratory Therapy

If you’re curious what a career in Respiratory Therapy is like, you can hear what the job is like right here at UMass Memorial from SHARE Respiratory Therapists, and learn about the training program from Keith Hirst, Respiratory Therapy Program Coordinator & Director, Quinsigamond Community College at any of the following sessions:



FEBRUARY 23 — 2P-2:55P AND 3:35-4:30P — ROOM S1-123, UNIVERSITY CAMPUS

update About the SHARE Contract


Since SHARE members ratified our most recent agreement with the hospital, many have asked when new red Contract booklets will be available. We’re still working with the hospital to incorporate and format the new additions, and hope to have those available to distribute soon.

PLEASE NOTE: Because our recently-completed negotiations focused primarily on wages, the vast majority of the policy language remains the same from the 2018 agreement, so if you’ve got one of the old red books, hold on to it! It’s still accurate.

Learn about new additions to our agreement with the hospital here.


The red books can be handy, and we like them, too. But did you know that all of the information, including our newest agreements and wage tables, is available online?

We’re still working to fold all of the policies into a single document, but you can already use the search tools on the online version of the contract materials to quickly find what you’re looking for. In fact, you can also use the site’s search tools to find information anywhere on the SHARE website. Plus, you can bookmark, download, and print what you need.


Additionally, you can find answers to many Frequently Asked Questions about the Contract and about Raises. We revisit some of the most popular subjects on the SHARE blog, updating the information as we go along, and explaining useful background in greater detail.

Of course, for help with any question, you can always contact your local SHARE Rep, or the SHARE office (508-929-4020).