
Valentine's SHARE Updates: Respiratory Career Sessions, Contracts, and more!

Hilda-Gail Achampong Wins the Bee Award

Congratulations to Hilda-Gail Achampong, the first-ever recipient of UMass Memorial’s Bee Award. Hilda was selected from over 150 nominees to receive the award, which recognizes outstanding work going above and beyond to support patients and exemplify standards of respect. She is pictured here with fellow SHARE members and South6 PCAs Chris Franklin and Hellen Itemere. See more on the SHARE blog. We’re very happy for you, Hilda!

Happy Valentine’s Day

If you’ve been around our hospital for very long, you probably know that SHARE has a thing for chocolate. And if you’re still on the lookout for something for your sweetheart, it’s not too late to pick-up some thing union-made. Find chocolates, flowers, spirits and more brought to you by union employees. Plus, this Valentine’s season, two hundred lucky winners will get a free chocolate bar made by AFSCME members at Rabble-Rouser Chocolates. Enter now before the drawing closes on February 28, 2023, for your chance to win!


Beginning this week: SHARE Career Advancement Sessions, Respiratory Therapy

If you’re curious what a career in Respiratory Therapy is like, you can hear what the job is like right here at UMass Memorial from SHARE Respiratory Therapists, and learn about the training program from Keith Hirst, Respiratory Therapy Program Coordinator & Director, Quinsigamond Community College at any of the following sessions:



FEBRUARY 23 — 2P-2:55P AND 3:35-4:30P — ROOM S1-123, UNIVERSITY CAMPUS

update About the SHARE Contract


Since SHARE members ratified our most recent agreement with the hospital, many have asked when new red Contract booklets will be available. We’re still working with the hospital to incorporate and format the new additions, and hope to have those available to distribute soon.

PLEASE NOTE: Because our recently-completed negotiations focused primarily on wages, the vast majority of the policy language remains the same from the 2018 agreement, so if you’ve got one of the old red books, hold on to it! It’s still accurate.

Learn about new additions to our agreement with the hospital here.


The red books can be handy, and we like them, too. But did you know that all of the information, including our newest agreements and wage tables, is available online?

We’re still working to fold all of the policies into a single document, but you can already use the search tools on the online version of the contract materials to quickly find what you’re looking for. In fact, you can also use the site’s search tools to find information anywhere on the SHARE website. Plus, you can bookmark, download, and print what you need.


Additionally, you can find answers to many Frequently Asked Questions about the Contract and about Raises. We revisit some of the most popular subjects on the SHARE blog, updating the information as we go along, and explaining useful background in greater detail.

Of course, for help with any question, you can always contact your local SHARE Rep, or the SHARE office (508-929-4020).

SHARE Updates: Virtual Info Meeting, Negotiations, and More . . .

Contract Negotiations Update: It's All about the Money 

As SHARE Members made clear in the 2022 Contract Surveys, raises are SHARE’s top priority for negotiations. Last week, the SHARE Negotiating Team put our first raise proposal on the table to the hospital. Our proposal aims to:  

  • Take inflation and the rise in cost-of-living expenses into account.  

  • Make sure SHARE members make progress every year as their experience grows.

  • Catch up to what other employers are paying so that UMass Memorial can hire and fill positions, so SHARE members aren’t so short-staffed.  

  • Deal with the fact that the rising minimum wage in Massachusetts, added to the national staffing shortage, makes it especially hard to retain staff.  

  • Recognize SHARE members’ hard work during COVID and now – SHARE members are Always Essential!  

Read more about what’s happening SHARE and UMass Memorial negotiations, including our wage discussions, in this blog post.

Virtual Information Meeting on Wednesday

Informed members keep our union strong. The SHARE Organizing staff invites all members to join online in the next of our series of information meetings to talk about how contract negotiations are going. We encourage you to bring your questions, enjoy your lunch if you want, and appear on camera if you can.

What: Negotiations Update, with a special focus on remote work

When: Wednesday, August 17, 11:30am-1pm

Where: Online, via Zoom: link here

The Inflation Reduction Act & Healthcare Savings for Americans

President Biden is soon expected to sign into law a set of reforms known as the Inflation Reduction Act that promise some good news for American workers. According to the Washington Post, the new rule would, among other things, “prevent huge spikes in the cost of health insurance for roughly 13 million Americans. It would limit seniors’ drugs costs at $2,000 a year. And it would place a cap of $35 a month on how much diabetics enrolled in Medicare would pay for insulin, a lifesaving medication.” Read what AFSCME President Lee Saunders says about the package, and why it’s good for union members, here.

Support a Strong Contract: Sign the SHARE Signature Poster

So many SHARE members have already signed the 2022 SHARE signature poster in support of a strong contract. Thank you! To ensure the best possible raises and contract, we encourage all SHARE members to sign on to this statement of our needs and values. SHARE Reps and Organizers will continue to bring signature forms through the hospital buildings and answer questions about negotiations. You can also call the SHARE office (508-929-4020) to make arrangements to sign.