Did You Get Your “Raise Amount” Email?
Yesterday, SHARE sent an email to SHARE members with an individualized description of how the raises negotiated in the Tentative Agreement would affect your particular pay rate. If you did not receive this email (they were sent between 4:20pm and 5:15pm), or if you have questions, please let us know: share.comment@theshareunion.org
(Incidentally, the questions are already coming in! We’re getting back to you as quickly as we can. Thanks!)
Ratification Vote Details & More
The contractvote2022 website collects up resources for understanding the Tentative Agreement and how to cast a vote on it. The vote will take place next week from Monday to Thursday, in UMass Memorial buildings from Uxbridge to Barre to Fitchburg. Visit the website to find a complete list of vote locations. Our union’s constitution requires us to hold the vote either in-person or remotely . . . it cannot be both. Only SHARE members can vote. (Not a member? Join here!)
Why Voting Matters
The SHARE Negotiating Team – together with all of you – did our best to bargain with management for what we believe is the best possible agreement for members. We encourage you to vote yes.
Even more important than that? We simply encourage you to vote. It’s OK if we don’t all agree. Voting sends a clear message to management that members are participating and care about the outcome.
Your participation during negotiations made a real difference in getting the biggest raises we’ve gotten in our 25 year history. Let’s keep it going!
Final Information Meeting about the Tentative Agreement
Join SHARE organizing staff online tonight from 5-6pm to learn about the Tentative Agreement, ask questions, and give SHARE your feedback about the Tentative Agreement.
Or Click: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81602733658?pwd=N1c3RDRvZEF2ek9jMjQyN1dmVGIxdz09
Or Dial: 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 816 0273 3658
Passcode: 535202
(Phone users: dial *6 during the call to mute or unmute yourself)
The SHARE Negotiating Team encourages you to vote YES on the contract next week!