Hearts and chocolate everywhere today? Looks like a SHARE event!
Alas, it’s just Valentine’s Day.
But seriously, it is a holiday weekend, thankfully, and here are some things to know . . .
Last Call to Apply to the Next PCA Pathway Program
Does someone you know want to begin a career at UMass Memorial working on the nursing floors and in clinics? The Patient Care Associate Program is now open to friends and family of SHARE members! Earn while you learn. Find out more about the PCA Pathway program here. Recruitment ends February 17th.
Buying or Renting?
Get Help with Housing Costs
Did you know that you and your family can take advantage of exclusive benefits when financing your home with Wells Fargo through the Union Plus® Mortgage program? Their dedicated team is ready to work with you to verify eligibility and explore all your options.
Additionally, the UMassFive Credit Union makes available a Rental Assistance Loan exclusively for SHARE members. The loan can be used to cover those hefty up-front costs: first- and last-month’s rent, plus security deposit. You can borrow up to $4000 and pay it back easily through paycheck deduction. Learn more about the Rental Assistance Loan — and apply — here.
What’s Happening with Unit Based Teams?
SHARE Members in UBTs have been doing a lot to make their work better. And, there’s more good stuff on the way, including the 2025 UBT Fairs. Dates have just been announced for those. (Remember last year? The 1,200 sandwiches? And chocolate?) Check out this UBT Newsletter for more . . .
TIP! Do you Know How to Search the SHARE Contract (and Everything Else)?
You probably know that the SHARE-UMass Memorial Contract Agreement can be found on our website. Finding what you need there can be really quick and easy . . . especially if you know how to use the search function in your web browser.
For example, in Google Chrome, click the three dots in the upper right-hand corner (see green arrow in the image below) and click “Find and Edit” (orange arrow). When the text-box pops up, just enter the word(s) you want to search for, such as holiday, or staff meetings, or personal emergency days.
That function can be found in most internet browsers in a very similar way. You can also just press the CTRL + F keys as a shortcut.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Give SHARE a call at 508-929-4020, or email share.comment@theshareunion.org.