Raise time is a good time to start — or increasE — your 401K deduction
Take good care of your future self by taking advantage of UMass Memorial’s 401k contribution match!
Some SHARE members choose this time to increase their contribution because they say they won't miss the money as much if the deduction starts at the same time as the raise. UMass Memorial adds $.50 for each dollar you contribute to your 401k, matching up to 2% of your pay. Learn more here.
required action: Open Enrollment
Monday, October 16 — Friday, October 27
Please note that the hospital is requiring ALL employees to enroll in benefits elections during this year’s shortened open-enrollment period. SHARE is advocating that no one should lose health insurance if they fail to update their choices, but the employer currently maintains that no enrollment = no coverage.
For more information, please see this message from UMass Memorial Hospital.
Rental Assistance Program Kicks Off
The popularity of SHARE’s new Rental Assistance Program has been massive, and is offering much-needed financial support at a time when many SHARE members need it most. The spike in Central Massachusetts rental costs has made it so hard to produce first-,last- and security deposit, but this loan aims to address this need. Please note that the loan is only applicable to those members actively moving to a new place: UMass Five Credit Union may require proof-of-lease to approve this low-interest loan.
Visit the SHARE website for more about the Rental Assistance Loan
Free Covid-19 Test Kits
Since September 25, every U.S. household has again become eligible to place an order to receive four more free COVID-19 rapid tests delivered directly to their home. Order your free kits from covid.gov
* Before You Throw Out "Expired" Tests: Check FDA's website to see if your COVID-19 tests' expiration dates have been extended.
The SHARE Unit Based Team (UBT) at Barre Family Health Center only began in April of 2022, but has quickly climbed the ranks to become one of the pioneering Teams to achieve Level 3 on the Path to Performance.
. . . and the Vascular office has just become one of the very first teams to reach Level 4 UBT status. Congratulations on charting the way!