Making the Most of Your Union Experience: Finding the help you need
In a healthcare union of 3500 people, members and their friends can face almost every kind of challenge. But we don’t all face the same challenges at the same time, and we’re here to support each other. SHARE Reps and Staff Organizers consult with members daily about many different questions and concerns. You should always feel welcome to call or email the SHARE office for help. But do you know about all of the resources organized on the SHARE website? Here are some of the most useful and commonly used:
The SHARE Contract is the complete document of our union’s agreement with UMass Memorial about policies, wages, partnership, and more.
Problem Solving & Disciplinary Meeting Support describes how SHARE Organizers and Reps can support you in meetings with management in your work area
CommunityHELP, developed in partnership with UMass Memorial, provides a searchable database of services centered in Central Massachusetts. Search for free or reduced cost services related to food, job training, transportation and more.
Union Plus provides a variety of services and perks to union members, including legal help, mortgage assistance, medical bill negotiating assistance, educational programs, and more.
That’s just scratching the surface. Check out the Getting Help section of the website or the lists of Frequently Asked Questions for more resources.
How to Sign Up for Union Plus
To take advantage of most Union Plus Benefits, you’ll need to register with Union Plus. Note that “SHARE” is not listed as a registration option . . . our union is also identified as AFSCME Local 3900.
To sign up, you’ll need to select our parent union, “AFSCME, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees,” in the dropdown menu.
Union Plus College Scholarships: Application Deadline Soon!
If you are a SHARE member, then you’re also eligible to take advantage of the nation-wide Union Plus program, which offers a broad range of perks and benefits to union members, including the Union Plus College Scholarships, which have a rapidly-approaching deadline of January 31, 2025.
Current and retired members of participating unions, their spouses and their dependent children are eligible for these competitive scholarships. Amounts range from $500 to $4,000. These one-time cash awards are for study beginning in the Fall of 2025. Students may re-apply each year.
Since 1991, the Union Plus Scholarship Program has awarded more than $5.6 million to students of working families who want to begin or continue their post-secondary education. More than 4,000 families have benefited from Union Plus’s commitment to higher education.