Hilda-Gail Achampong: UMass Memorial's First-Ever Bee Award Winner!

Over one-hundred fifty UMass Memorial caregivers were nominated for the 2023 Bee Award. And the first ever presentation of the Award, which stands for “Be Exceptional Everyday,” was made to Hilda Achampong, a SHARE member and PCA on the South 6 nursing floor on the Memorial campus of our hospital.

A couple dozen hospital administrators, nurse educators, and others came to South 6, where Hilda works, bringing flowers, pizza, and cupcakes to celebrate with staff on the floor. The award recognizes outstanding work going above and beyond to support patients and exemplify standards of respect. Justin Precourt, UMass Memorial’s Chief Nursing Officer, and Nurse Manager Lori Peasley presented Hilda with the award.

Hilda responded graciously, saying, “We work as a team here.”

“Hilda-Gail is an exceptional example of teamwork, respect, and safety. A patient was mentally escalating with frustrations. The patient had a language barrier (ASL primarily preferred). Hilda-Gail spent the day ensuring a safe environment for this patient and communicating not only with an interpreter but sharing written messages back and forth in the room. As the patient began to escalate, she acted quickly and thoughtfully to ensure safety for all involved parties! We see you, Hilda-Gail!”
— Natalie Dellecese, Nurse Educator, in her Bee award nomination of Hilda-Gail Achampong

SHARE is happy to recognize the meaningful work that PCAs do every day throughout our hospital, including South 6. And we are especially excited now to celebrate you, Hilda, on receiving this well-deserved award. Congratulations!

Hilda-Gail Achampong (center), shown with South 6 PCA Teammates Chris Franklin (left) and Hellen Itemere (right)

SHARE Career Info Session: Careers in Respiratory Therapy

Learn About a Career as a Respiratory Therapist


The Respiratory Program at Quinsigamond Community College

Are you looking for a rewarding career that saves lives?

Hear what the job is like right here at UMass Memorial from SHARE Respiratory Therapists

Learn about the training program from Keith Hirst, MS, RRT-ACCS, RRT-NPS, AE-C, FAARC, Respiratory Therapy Program Coordinator & Director, Quinsigamond Community College

Ask your questions & get answers!

SHARE and UMass Memorial are partnering to increase opportunities for SHARE members to learn and grow in their careers at UMass Memorial.


February 15 — noon-1pm — Zoom meeting

february 22 -- 7p-8p — zoom meeting

february 23 — 2p-2:55p and 3:35-4:30p — room s1-123, University campus

Respiratory Therapists are critical to patient care, and that has been especially true during COVID. There’s currently no wait-list for QCC’s Respiratory Therapy program!

This event is brought to you by SHARE, UMass Memorial Workforce Development, and the Respiratory department.

Raise Retro Payment Corrections Update

As we noted last week, SHARE confirmed with Compensation that there were mistakes with the initial retro checks. Here’s a breakdown from the Payroll department of what has already been paid correctly, and what remains to be paid out in this week’s check:

If you get on-call pay, you should see retro this week to complete your on-call retro payment. In the end, the total retro should total the amount of your raise multiplied by the number of hours you worked between 10/30/22 and 11/26/22. The raise was included in your paycheck of December 8th, which includes the work week of November 27th through December 3rd. You should get retro in the amount of your raise for all hours paid in that period. (An exception may be for recent newly hired SHARE members who started after 10/30 and were hired at the new rate.)

Retro Payments Incorrect

Many SHARE members noticed that their retro amounts didn’t look correct when they showed up this week. SHARE has confirmed with Compensation that there are mistakes – mostly SHARE members not getting the full amount they should have gotten. (Not all SHARE members will get an additional difference, particularly if they work no overtime.) Payroll is hoping to get it corrected in next week’s paycheck.

The retro should be the amount of your raise multiplied by the number of hours you worked between 10/30/22 and 11/26/22. The raise was included in your paycheck of December 8th, which includes the work week of November 27th through December 3rd. You should get retro in the amount of your raise for all hours paid in that period. (An exception may be for recent newly hired SHARE members who started after 10/30 and were hired at the new rate.)

2023 Dues Rates Announced

AFSCME, SHARE’s parent union, has announced dues rates increases for the upcoming year. The 2023 regular weekly dues rate for SHARE members will be $10.23. That is an increase of $0.39 per paycheck, or slightly less than one cent per hour. For members working 20 hours/week, the 2023 weekly rate will be $7.66.


Dues are an investment that SHARE members make in themselves and their coworkers. Without a union, employees have very little leverage to make change, or even to hold onto what they have.

SHARE members want respect for the work that they do, fair treatment, opportunities for advancement, and good raises so that they can take care of themselves and their families. SHARE gives employees a voice in various ways:

  • In contract negotiations, we have a voice in our pay, benefits and work policies.

  • In union meetings and individual conversations, we have a voice in the direction and priorities of the union

  • Through the problem-solving process, we have a voice when individual problems/conflicts come up at work

  • In union elections, we have a voice in who our representatives will be

  • Through committees, Unit Based Teams, and ad-hoc negotiations, we have a voice in issues that face groups of SHARE members

When it comes down to dollars and cents, dues pay for themselves. SHARE has consistently negotiated raises each year that our union has existed, over 22 years. Those increases have resulted in notably better pay rates than non-union counterparts. Among other things, our hospital also continues to contribute to the Defined Benefit Pension plan of all SHARE members, as well as continuing to pay 85% of Health Insurance costs.

Working together through the union, SHARE members can continue to make progress in all these areas. And dues support the staff who support this work.

When it comes to a monetary cost-benefit-analysis, dues clearly pay themselves off. This slide from the recent SHARE Contract Information meetings demonstrates how the math works for this year when comparing increases in costs deducted by the employer against the increase in wages.

Am I Required to Pay Dues?

Because all employees working in the SHARE bargaining unit at UMass Memorial receive the benefits negotiated by our union, all employees are required to contribute through membership or through an equal paycheck deduction authorized by a “Fair Share” card.

If you have questions or would like to sign a Fair Share card, please call the SHARE office and leave a message at 508-929-4020 or email share.comment@theshareunion.org.

Only members can run for union leadership positions, vote in union elections, and participate in benefits programs such as UnionPlus.


Any annual increase is calculated by the AFSCME International office based on the average percent increase of AFSCME members’ pay rates across the country in the previous year.


The short answer is that dues mostly pays for SHARE staff.

The longer answer is that SHARE members at UMass Memorial pool their dues money with members of three other unions locals: SHARE at UMass Medical School, HUCTW at Harvard University, and USW at Cambridge Health Alliance. The four union locals together are called the New England Organizing Project (NEOP). All their dues together pay for the union staff for all the locals, union offices, phones and utilities, mailings, etc. About 75% of the budget is for staff.

The staff spend their time gathering information and opinions from members, sharing information with members, developing and supporting SHARE Reps, helping members with questions or problems, negotiating contracts, organizing events, researching issues, writing blog posts, etc., all on behalf of SHARE members.


If you would like to know more, please talk to a SHARE Rep, email share.comment@theshareunion.org, or call 508-929-4020. You can also learn more about what our union does, and the benefits of union membership, by exploring www.sharehospitalunion.org.

SHARE Members Vote to Accept Tentative Agreement

The New SHARE Contract Is Now in Effect

Over the course of this week, SHARE members voted to ratify the Contract Bargaining Agreement reached between SHARE and UMass Memorial, which includes annual raises over the next four years totaling a minimum of 21%.

The vote was 89% in favor

When Will the Raises Hit Our Paychecks?

The hospital’s payroll department tentatively projects that the pay raises could come in the December 8 pay raise. We recommend not relying on that date, since a number of factors could contribute to delay. When the raise comes, there will be retro dating back to October 30; in the past, those retro checks have come separately, but we don’t yet know how they will be paid this time.

We’re Proud of this Contract

While SHARE members always deserve more, this agreement involves important wins for our union during a tough time. Our union and our hospital continue to face unprecedented challenges. There are currently about 20,000 open hospital jobs in Massachusetts, which is only a part of the global healthcare worker shortage. Our whole SHARE and hospital community feel the effects of turnover and short-staffing, along with the impact of inflation and rising costs. Our new contract doesn’t resolve those problems, but it does position SHARE members to make good headway against strong forces, and we'll continue to fight for more. Among other things, here's what we got:

  • The largest sequence of raises in our union’s history, with the highest-number raises up front, which provides more money faster, and bigger long-term gains due to compounding

  • Maintaining important and valuable benefits for the next four years — including our defined benefit pension, and the fact that the employer pays 85% of health insurance premiums

  • Ongoing talks with management about the job market, and potential wage adjustments for job titles that fall behind the market between contracts

  • Expanded opportunities to improve how it feels to come to work through Unit Based Teams

  • Continued conversation with management about opportunities for career growth at UMass Memorial, with a focus on creating educational opportunities and systems that allow members to take advantage of them.

You Made This Happen

SHARE members defined the priorities in these negotiations, stayed engaged throughout the process, and demonstrated to management that we care about taking care of our community and ourselves. The negotiating team thanks you for your support. As always, UMass Memorial works because SHARE members do.

Contract Voting Ends Today: Vote Locations & Vote Count Details

Final Day to Vote on the Tentative Agreement

Voting on SHARE’s Tentative Contract Agreement with UMass Memorial Hospital concludes today with voting at Hahnemann, the ACC building, and Memorial. Voting at these locations is open to all SHARE members. (Voting will also be held at 1 West Boylston will also be held for members there.) For detailed time and location information, please visit the Contract Ratification Calendar.

If you haven’t yet voted, we encourage you to do so. The SHARE Negotiating Team recommends that members vote YES! The current vote requires in-person voting. For more details about the Tentative Agreement, including how to calculate your raise, and answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please visit this section of the SHARE website dedicated to the 2022 Contract Vote.

Only SHARE members can vote. If you haven’t yet signed up, you can still join here or at the polls.

How to Watch the Vote Count

All ballots will be brought together for the final count at the Memorial 1 Conference Room. Counting will begin at 5pm. All SHARE members are invited to observe the vote count. The vote count will also be broadcast via Zoom. Link to the Vote Count Broadcast here.

What Happens After the Vote Count?

Results will be posted to the SHARE blog.

If more than half of SHARE members vote in favor of the tentative agreement, the new contract and raises will go into effect.

Although the Payroll department typically prepares to deliver raises as quickly as possible after we ratify a contract, it’s still likely to take a few weeks, and there would be some Retro.

If a majority of voters vote to reject the Tentative Agreement, then both negotiating teams would go back to the negotiating table and try again.

We wouldn’t exactly start from scratch – we've already spent a lot of time and energy understanding each other’s interests and positions – but the agreements we’ve made would be nullified. No raises would happen until another tentative agreement was reached and ratified by members.

SHARE’s previous tentative agreements with the hospital have always been ratified, so we would be developing entirely new strategies, working to understand members’ interests more deeply, and determining new ways to compel management to come to a more satisfying agreement.

Thank You

Thank you to the many SHARE members who have already cast your ballots. We know that many of you have already dedicated your time and even traveled to a SHARE site to make your voice heard.

The SHARE Negotiating Team does encourage you to vote “yes.” But it’s also still true that, more than anything, we simply urge you to vote. It’s OK if we don’t all agree. Voting sends a clear message to management that members are participating and care about the outcome. Every vote matters.

VOTING THIS WEEK: Your Guide to the Tentative Agreement & Contract Ratification

Have questions? Click the buttons below to find answers . . .

For this vote, SHARE members will be required to vote in person. But! You aren’t limited to vote in the building where you work . . . any member can vote at any open vote location.

Although those are the current rules, we appreciate that this can be difficult for employees who work from home, or who may be away from work during this time. We hope to see you in person! We look forward to catching up and being able to answer any questions you may have when you get to the polls.

Through SHARE information meetings, emails, and many, many conversations, SHARE leaders are answering lots of questions about the agreement and the vote. The above FAQ answers the most common ones.

In case you missed the Information Meetings (or if you’d like to refer back to that information), the above link reveals the slides that were presented.

The above link shows you how to find your raise under the proposed agreement, and provides the full set of pay ranges and platforms.

The SHARE Negotiating Team – together with all of you – did our best to bargain with management for what we believe is the best possible agreement for members.

SHARE encourages you to vote “YES!”  

Even more important than that? We simply encourage you to vote. It’s OK if we don’t all agree. Voting sends a clear message to management that members are participating and care about the outcome. 

Your participation during negotiations has already made a real difference. Thank you! Let’s keep it going . . .   

Contract Update: Info Meeting TODAY, Your Personal Raise Email, and More

Did You Get Your “Raise Amount” Email? 

Yesterday, SHARE sent an email to SHARE members with an individualized description of how the raises negotiated in the Tentative Agreement would affect your particular pay rate. If you did not receive this email (they were sent between 4:20pm and 5:15pm), or if you have questions, please let us know: share.comment@theshareunion.org 

(Incidentally, the questions are already coming in! We’re getting back to you as quickly as we can. Thanks!) 

Ratification Vote Details & More 

The contractvote2022 website collects up resources for understanding the Tentative Agreement and how to cast a vote on it. The vote will take place next week from Monday to Thursday, in UMass Memorial buildings from Uxbridge to Barre to Fitchburg. Visit the website to find a complete list of vote locations. Our union’s constitution requires us to hold the vote either in-person or remotely . . . it cannot be both. Only SHARE members can vote. (Not a member? Join here!

Why Voting Matters 

The SHARE Negotiating Team – together with all of you – did our best to bargain with management for what we believe is the best possible agreement for members. We encourage you to vote yes.  

Even more important than that? We simply encourage you to vote. It’s OK if we don’t all agree. Voting sends a clear message to management that members are participating and care about the outcome. 

Your participation during negotiations made a real difference in getting the biggest raises we’ve gotten in our 25 year history. Let’s keep it going!  

Final Information Meeting about the Tentative Agreement 

Join SHARE organizing staff online tonight from 5-6pm to learn about the Tentative Agreement, ask questions, and give SHARE your feedback about the Tentative Agreement. 

Or Click: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81602733658?pwd=N1c3RDRvZEF2ek9jMjQyN1dmVGIxdz09

Or Dial: 312-626-6799

Meeting ID: 816 0273 3658

Passcode: 535202

(Phone users: dial *6 during the call to mute or unmute yourself)

The SHARE Negotiating Team encourages you to vote YES on the contract next week!

Proposed Pay Grids Now Online & Info Meeting Reminder (Today!)

Contract Vote Is Next Week

Voting locations & times are now listed on the Negotiations 2022 Section of the SHARE website. SHARE members may vote at any available site.

Pay ranges are now online at that site, too, along with an explainer to help you find what your raise would be in each year of the contract.

Only SHARE members can vote. (Not a member? Join now!)

online Information Meetings

SHARE encourages members to attend to learn more about the tentative agreement, ask questions, and share your thoughts.

Wednesday 11/9


Wednesday 11/9


Thurs 11/10



For all zooms, the login information will be the same: 

Click: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81602733658?pwd=N1c3RDRvZEF2ek9jMjQyN1dmVGIxdz09

Or Dial: 312-626-6799

Meeting ID: 816 0273 3658

Passcode: 535202


Additional Info: 

For more information about the tentative agreement, click here

SHARE Zoom Negotiation Info Meetings

Please attend to learn more about the tentative agreement, ask questions, and share your thoughts. Stay tuned for more info about on-site informational sessions. 


Friday 11/4

12p - 1:30p 

Wednesday 11/9


Wednesday 11/9


Thurs 11/10



For all zooms, the login information will be the same: 

Click: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81602733658?pwd=N1c3RDRvZEF2ek9jMjQyN1dmVGIxdz09

Or Dial: 312-626-6799

Meeting ID: 816 0273 3658

Passcode: 535202


Additional Info: 

For more information about the tentative agreement, click here

SHARE & UMass Memorial Reach Tentative Agreement on Contract!

SHARE’s negotiating team is very happy to announce that we have reached a Tentative Agreement (TA) with UMass Memorial for a new four-year contract. A summary of the agreement — including the raise amount for each year — is described below.

Thank you for sticking together! The negotiating team could not have gotten this agreement without SHARE members staying engaged.

This TA becomes finalized if SHARE members vote to ratify it. Only SHARE members can vote. To join SHARE, click here.

SHARE-UMass Memorial Medical Center 

Tentative Contract Agreement  

October 1, 2022—September 30, 2026   

Our SHARE Negotiating Team reached a tentative agreement with UMass Memorial Medical Center and Medical Group. The next step is for SHARE members to understand what’s in the agreement, and to decide what they think about it. The tentative contract takes effect if a majority of voting SHARE members vote “Yes” on November 14-17th.  


6% or $1.25 /hour, whichever is greater for each SHARE member, for Year 1 (retroactive to 10/30/22, not 10/1/22 -- see below) 

5% or $1.25 /hour, whichever is greater for each SHARE member, for Year 2 (effective 10/1/23) 

4.5% or $1.00 /hour, whichever is greater for each SHARE member, for Year 3 (effective 9/29/24) 

4% or $1.00 /hour, whichever is greater for each SHARE member, Year 4 (effective 9/28/25) 

SHARE members must be on the payroll in a job in the SHARE Medical Center unit (which includes some Medical Group and UMMH employees) on the date of ratification (November 17, 2022) to get the raise.   

We Traded Retro for a Better Raise 

Our contract expired on September 30th, so usually our raises come on October 1st each year. When negotiations go past the October 1st date, there may be a retroactive amount, to pay SHARE members as if the raise had gone into effect on time. This year, we went a month over the contract expiration date. (Sometimes it has taken much longer.) 

The SHARE Negotiating Team traded the month of October’s retro to get a bigger raise sooner in the first year. The full 6% starts on October 30th – a bigger raise than we could have gotten on October 1st. Since we were only talking about a month’s retro, and because SHARE members are usually frustrated by the high rate of taxes on a retro check, the negotiating team used the opportunity to invest more in base pay. SHARE members get more money in their pocket for the year this way. 

Since the raise won’t be delivered until after the contract is ratified, there will be a few weeks of retro back to October 30th. 

Raises to Base Pay for SHARE Members Who Are Close to Max Cap of their Grade 

The max caps for all grades will go up each year, so that every SHARE member gets a raise to their base pay. They will get the full amount, but some of it will be as a cash bonus. 

If the raise would increase your rate higher than the max cap of your grade, then your new rate is the max cap rate. Any amount greater than max cap is paid as a bonus. The bonus rate is the amount of your raise over max cap, multiplied for every hour you worked in the prior fiscal year, including overtime. 

The max caps will increase as follows: 

  • Year 1: Max caps go up by 4.2% for all grades. A SHARE member whose pay is already at max cap will get a raise to base pay of 4.2% plus a bonus of 1.8%. 

  • Year 2: Max caps go up 3.2%. A SHARE member whose pay is already at max cap will get a raise to base pay of 3.2% plus a bonus of 1.8%. 

  • Year 3: Max caps go up 2.7%. A SHARE member whose pay is already at max cap will get a raise to base pay of 2.7% plus a bonus of 1.8%. 

  • Year 4: Max caps go up 2.2%. A SHARE member whose pay is already at max cap will get a raise to base pay of 2.2% plus a bonus of 1.8%. 

If it were up to SHARE, everyone would always get the full raise to base. However, management thinks that every job should have a max. Over the years, we have arrived at a compromise.

Here’s how it works: Every SHARE grade has platforms, and we negotiate so that every raise moves SHARE members up one platform toward the grade max cap to give credit for their additional year of experience. (Before the union, lots of people never got to the max in their grade.) The amount of the raise that moves SHARE members up a platform toward the grade max is about 1.8% (amounts vary slightly by grade). The amount of the raise that could be considered a “step” to move SHARE members up to max cap will be delivered as a bonus to those SHARE members who are already at max cap. The bonuses are counted toward your pension.

On-Call Pay Differential 

The on-call pay differential increases from $3.00/hour to $4.00 on October 30, 2022, and from $4.00/hour to $5.00/hour in year 2. 

Pay Rates for Job Titles that Are Too Low 

Both SHARE and UMass Memorial agree that some job titles may get paid less than nearby employers for the same job even after these raises. SHARE and the hospital have agreed that these negotiations won’t resolve all questions about job classification and compensation. SHARE proposed and agreed to continue to meet to discuss “problems of retention, recruitment, and market competitiveness and decide appropriate next steps.” That’s not a guarantee that we will be able to fix the pay rates for every title, but at least we can talk to management about what the problem is and advocate for why it needs to get solved. 

Good News: Stability in Health Insurance and Pension 

The hospital did not propose any cuts to our health insurance benefits or our defined benefit pension or 401K match. For the next 4 years, SHARE members will pay only 15% of the cost of the HMO plan (though the cost of our 15% does go up each year), and the cost of co-pays will not increase. Your defined benefits plan won’t change – that’s the pension that the hospital provides, and you don’t have to pay into at all. 

SHARE proposed and UMass Memorial also agreed that if UMass Memorial redesigns our existing benefits, SHARE will be involved in the discussions about any changes. With SHARE members’ voice in the room, changes are more likely to meet the needs of SHARE members and their families.

Career Training and Advancement 

SHARE put a high priority on increasing SHARE members’ ability to learn and grow in their careers at UMass Memorial in these contract negotiations. The SHARE survey showed that SHARE members want to learn and grow, but face barriers to doing so, like the cost, time and knowing where to find information about career paths. 

Tuition Assistance Increasing 

SHARE and UMass Memorial discussed increasing the tuition reimbursement amounts. SHARE wants the hospital to reimburse up to $5250 per year (the IRS limit) and to reimburse 100% of costs, not just a portion. We also discussed expanding what qualifies for reimbursement to include a SHARE member’s student loan repayment, and certification programs in addition to college credit classes. These discussions went well, but the final agreement must be approved by senior leadership before we can publicize it. We’ll keep you posted. 

Building Career Pathways: The Work Continues 

After this contract is completed, SHARE remains very committed to making career growth easier for SHARE members. UMass Memorial is putting a big emphasis on this work too, and is prioritizing workforce development plans for the whole of UMass Memorial. We all understand that when staff have clear opportunities to move up and learn new things, they will be more inclined to come to work here and to stay working here.  That is good for the staff and for the hospital. SHARE and UMass Memorial have signed an agreement describing how we will work together on these goals going forward. 

The Careers side table learned about training programs from labor-management examples at hospitals around the country. We are excited to work on: 

  • Supports and flexibility to make it easier for SHARE members to work and go to school at the same time, even if they are raising kids. 

  • Internal career pathways for high-demand positions, potentially including radiology techs, respiratory therapists and RNs. 

  • External career pipelines to recruit to fill positions we need. 

  • Collaboration with Anchor Mission and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging efforts to make sure opportunities are open to all care givers. 

Expanding Unit Based Teams – 

Having a Say in the Day-to-Day Work  

Unit Based Teams are SHARE’s effort to improve how it feels to come to work. UBTs operate at the department level to involve SHARE members as respected partners in improving how the work gets done. SHARE Organizers and senior managers both support each team, but SHARE and the hospital must agree on how many new teams we launch each year, and on the money to pay UBT Coaches to support the teams. 

The contract outlines a plan for 25 new UBTs each year, with a new coach to support 25 teams each time we expand. In the past we’ve had to adjust our plans to allow staff to focus on the Epic implementation and the COVID surges, but it’s important to have a default plan in place. 

Smaller Changes 

Leaves of Absence: Tidying Up the Options 

Now that we have the Massachusetts Paid Family Medical Leave, which is the law, two leaves of absence that were in the SHARE contract are not needed anymore. They both applied to employees with 6 to 12 months service who were not eligible for the federally mandated FMLA. The Personal Medical Leave was available to new employees hired after 2017; the “Company FMLA” was available to staff hired before 2017. Now PFML is available to employees from day one on their job, so the old leaves are not needed anymore. 

The SHARE Negotiating Team side table on leaves of absence and absenteeism worked hard to understand all the ins and outs of the different leaves, which are incredibly complicated. We wanted to ensure that SHARE Members are not losing anything substantial by eliminating these two leaves of absence. Hopefully, this change will make leaves of absence a little simpler for everyone.  

Bridging of Service for Re-hired SHARE Members 

“Bridging” is the term we use when a SHARE member leaves and then gets re-hired within three years. SHARE negotiated bridging years ago so that someone who comes back doesn’t start over again for earned time accrual rates and seniority. The problem was that bridged re-hires were brought back at their old pay rate, even if the pay grids moved up while they were gone. This made it hard to convince people to come back – and we all know that we need to fill as many positions as possible right now! We agreed to change it so that re-hires can potentially come back at the higher rates, depending on whether they have gained more experience by working in the field while they were gone. 

Unresolved, but Agreements to Keep Talking 

Despite many conversations, there were two issues we weren’t able to reach agreement on during negotiations but that the SHARE and UMass Memorial agree to keep talking about.  

Promotion Increase 

We agree to meet and discuss how we handle promotional increases and market adjustments for group and individual adjustments. SHARE is trying to change how the current contract language works. 

Work from Home (“Remote Work”) 

While the hospital created a policy making Work from Home permanent, SHARE and the hospital are still talking about Work from Home policy for SHARE members. Key issues for immediate negotiation include: which states caregivers may work from and/or be hired from, retroactive reimbursement for caregivers who were sent home starting in March 2020, and standards for temporary interruption to work from home capabilities. SHARE and UMass Memorial have agreed that we need to focus attention on this issue as soon as contract negotiations are finished. 

Our 4-year contract expires on September 30, 2026. We will start negotiating the next contract before that.  

The Full Contract Language 

This is a summary of the most important changes. If you want to read the actual contract language, keep your eyes open for an email with a link to the full contract language. At this moment, we are still ironing out some details with management, but we’ll let you know as soon as it’s ready to see.   


Watch your email for details about SHARE Information Meetings to answer any questions. We will also develop tools to make it easy to calculate how the pay increases will affect your individual pay rate in each year. In the meantime, you can reach out to your SHARE Organizer or SHARE Rep, or email share.comment@theshareunion.org


SHARE Negotiations Update – Inches Away from a Deal

Good news SHARE, members! The SHARE Negotiating Team believes that we will be able to announce a tentative agreement with the hospital next week. Negotiations on Thursday continued into Friday discussions, and we were able to resolve the biggest issue – raises.

We just have some smaller details and specifics to iron out – dotting i’s and crossing t’s – and we expect we can finish them next week. We know the wait is frustrating. Thank you for your patience. We can’t tell you more yet, but we expect to describe the agreement next week.

So, stay tuned. And, as always, thank you for all you do to support your union!

P.S., We say “tentative agreement” because no agreement is final until SHARE members vote on it. The SHARE Negotiating Team will present to you the best deal we think we can get, and then it’s up to you.

P.P.S., If you are new, and have not yet signed your SHARE union membership card, now is the time! Only SHARE members are eligible to vote in contract ratification. Click here for a link to the SHARE membership card – it just takes a minute.

P.P.P.S., In entirely unrelated news, the clock is ticking on the federal student debt relief program. But it’s easy to apply for loan forgiveness, and several resources for getting help. This post on the SHARE blog contains the latest updates.

Student Debt Relief Update

Senator Elizabeth Warren and Representative Ayanna Pressley (pictured above) brought the Student Loan Debt Cancellation Tour to UMass Medical School earlier this week. On either side of Representative Pressley are SHARE’s own Kellie Morton and Kona Enders!

Getting started with student Student Debt Relief is easy. Register here: https://studentaid.gov/debt-relief/application

To learn more, check out this recent FAQ from National Public Radio, which includes help understanding the process, and some analysis of the current status of the legal challenges that have been brought against the federal government’s debt relief program. Additionally, you can find more debt-management resources in these previous messages from UMass Memorial and from our parent union, AFSCME.

SHARE Negotiations Update

This week we negotiated on Tuesday instead of Thursday. We have agreed to extend the contract again, this time through our next negotiating session. Next week we will be back to Thursday. For more general information about how negotiations works, check out these answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

In Negotiations, the SHARE Team has worked hard to depict what it’s like to work on the front lines and why members need good raises. It’s been meaningful to convey these messages directly from you. For a bigger sample of what we’ve presented to management, check out the “Always Essential" Gallery online . . .

Hanging the SHARE signature poster helps demonstrate how far and wide SHARE’s 3000 members work across UMass Memorial, and how much we do to support it. In the Emergency Department (seen above) they’re also describing why a good raise is so important.

I need a good raise because”

At last week’s contract negotiations, photos of SHARE members — as well as “I need a good raise because . . .” signs — wallpapered the room around the negotiating table. The SHARE Negotiating Team continues to present the ideas and experiences of SHARE members to management — last week in pictures as well as the usual stories, numbers, charts, and graphs. SHARE members’ support matters both inside the negotiating room and outside in the departments. Standing up to support contract negotiations makes a real difference in our ability to negotiate a strong contract — we can tell that your efforts are being noticed by management. Thanks to you, we are getting very close — read on for details.

Raises – Getting Closer

Again, the majority of our discussion was about raises. The SHARE Negotiating Team put a creative package together in response to management’s proposal last week. We continue to talk about raises to address inflation, that are good for both high-paid SHARE members and for members in the less well-paid grades. We are getting closer and closer…

We are also discussing how many years the new contract should be for. The SHARE Negotiating Team says, “It all depends on the numbers.” Whether we lock in a shorter contract or a longer one, there are potential risks and rewards, depending on what the future brings. We could lock in a raise in times of high inflation that turns out to be great in a future year of low inflation. Or, it could turn out that inflation is high again that year. Two advantages of a longer contract: it locks in our health insurance and pension benefits, and it gives SHARE members predictability. One advantage of a shorter contract: we have the flexibility to address new issues as they arise.

Health Insurance & Pension

The SHARE Negotiating Team wants to protect the good health insurance benefits we have. Good news: the hospital is not proposing any cuts to these benefits. (The cost of health insurance will go up in January, but the premium split is defined our contract: SHARE members pay 15% of the total cost, while the hospital pays 85% of the cost.)

Promotion Increase, Bridging

We are talking about two more parts of the contract that have to do with pay rates: how much a SHARE member gets when they transfer or get promoted to a higher grade, and how much a re-hire gets offered for pay if they come back in less than 3 years.

Absenteeism & Leaves-of-Absence

We’ve mostly wrapped up this part of the negotiations. The state of Massachusetts now provides protections that duplicate protections we had negotiated in previous contracts. So, we’re working with UMass Memorial to make the system easier for members to use, removing Leaves that are now redundant. Beyond that, general attendance is as important as ever, given the tight staffing levels, and SHARE is carefully considering management’s concern that there may be overuse and abuse of time off in some areas, while advocating that SHARE members need to be able take time off from work, now more than ever.

Career Training

SHARE would like to create a state of the art training program so that SHARE members can get help to learn new skills and grow their careers at UMass Memorial. We think that hospital would like that too – but we are still working on what we can agree to going forward.

SHARE Updates: Negotiations & How You Can Help

SHARE Contract Negotiations Update: Fingers Crossed…

Contract negotiations on Thursday, October 6, moved us closer to a deal. Both the SHARE Negotiating Team and the hospital management team made moves to get closer to each other. While we can never predict how long it will take to get to a final agreement, Jay Hagan, SHARE Co-President on the Memorial campus says, “I’m optimistic. I’ve been through a lot of contract negotiations that went worse than this one. We hope to finish very soon.”

SHARE Co-President from the University Campus Rita Caputo, says “SHARE has been a good partner to the hospital — we worked hard through COVID, we’re doing Unit Based Teams, we testified against MGB taking insured patients from our region — and in negotiations we’re expecting our hospital to recognize that that’s valuable.”

SHARE members are showing their support for negotiations by posting the signature poster in their work area, wearing red on Thursdays, and coming to SHARE events. That really shows management that all 3000 SHARE members are paying attention to negotiations and care a lot about the outcome. SHARE’s negotiating team can’t do it without you!

The next negotiating date is Thursday, October 13th.

Kelly Fournier, from the SHARE Negotiating Team adds, “This is all new to me, this is my first contract negotiation. I had no idea how much goes into it. I’m learning a lot. More importantly, I feel like I’m working on behalf of my co-workers and SHARE members across our hospitals to make UMass Memorial a better place to work.”

Next Steps: How YOU Can Help SHARE Get a Good Deal

We need to keep the momentum going. Let’s send another message to management about why good raises are important. SHARE wants to convey specifically why raises are important to you.

Click the button to download and print a poster. Then, name why you need a good raise: fill in the blank, take a picture with your poster, and email your photo to SHARE.

Share the poster with your co-workers, take single or group pictures, and send them back to us. If we get your photo by noon on Wednesday (October 12th) we can use it for negotiations on Thursday. It’s fine to take pictures in front of your heating oil tank, at the gas station, in the grocery store, anywhere you want – just make sure there’s are no patients in the pictures! We’ll also be using these photos on the SHARE website and our social media accounts.

It’s exciting to see so many SHARE members getting engaged in so many ways during this year’s negotiations. For more ways that you can keep updated, show your support, and be involved, check out the 2022 Negotiations section of the SHARE website.

SHARE Updates: YOU Are Making a Difference, Contract Extended, Free Classes, and More

Current Contract Extended

As you may know, our current contract with UMass Memorial expires today, September 30. However, we are still negotiating, so we have jointly agreed with the hospital to extend the existing contract for 2 weeks. 

The contract extension runs through October 14. The SHARE Negotiating Team is cautiously optimistic that we will be able to come to a new contract agreement in that time. Don’t worry, the SHARE Negotiating Team is totally clear that the raise has to be retroactive, so SHARE members don’t lose anything by the delay.

Our talks continue to move forward. SHARE and the hospital management both recognize the importance of delivering good raises as soon as possible. However, the SHARE negotiating team still cannot agree to management's most recent proposal. It is not enough.

You are making a difference. Thank you for the fantastic turnout at our first few Signature Poster events, for wearing red on Thursdays, and for all the ways you're showing that SHARE is sticking together for good raises. Want more ideas? Check out the special 2022 Negotiations section of the SHARE website! And read on for more . . .

UMass Memorial Works Because SHARE Members Do

When our community sees that, it makes a difference. Central Massachusetts relies on SHARE’s 3000 members for its healthcare. Let’s keep the momentum going! 

Send us your photos! We want our community to know we’re wearing red on Thursdays to show that SHARE members work everywhere in our hospital — UMass Memorial works because SHARE does! — and we’re sticking together for a good raise.

Thanks for coming out for Poster Events! Showing off the 2,400 signatures on the 2022 SHARE Signature Poster in your department is an important display of our union’s strength.

Work-from-Home Picnic POSTPONED 

We're sorry to say the weather doesn't look reliable enough on Saturday, so we're postponing the Saturday picnic due to rain 🌦 The event is being re-scheduled to Saturday, October 22, from 10am-noon. 

In the meantime, we'll be holding 2 virtual info sessions about contract negotiations for WFH employees:  

  • Monday 10/3 - 12p-1:30p, and  

  • Tuesday 10/4 - 5p-6:30p 

Details and Zoom links have been mailed to members in Work-from-Home departments. Please email SHARE if you did not receive that information. 

UMass Memorial to Offer Free Med-Term Course 

Organization and People Development is partnering with Quinsigamond Community College (QCC) to offer “Introduction to Medical Terminology” to UMMH caregivers. The course is live, online, instructor-led, and completely free to UMass Memorial employees. There are 15 sessions for a total of 45 learning hours. 

Interested caregivers can begin this Fall, or reserve a spot for January 2023. Learn more here 

Please note also that, if you have friends or family who were put out of work by the pandemic, QCC offers free courses through its Fast Track Skills Academy 

Getting Covid Test Kits at No Cost 

SHARE members who take advantage of the health insurance through UMass Memorial are eligible for Covid test kits at no cost. Learn how to get them here.  

Additionally, test kits can be delivered to your door from the federal government. Learn more about this program – plus other ways to get free test kits – here.   

Coverage for Over-the-Counter At-Home COVID-19 Tests

In case you missed it, we’re reprinting this email from UMass Memorial Hospital that explains ways you can get Covid test kits at no cost.

As a caregiver covered by a UMass Memorial Health medical plan, your plan covers over-the-counter (OTC) at-home COVID-19 tests at little or no cost to you. Please review the below information detailing where to purchase these test kits and how to get reimbursed.

Note that effective February 12, 2022, OptumRx is the exclusive provider of OTC at-home COVID-19 test kits under the UMass Memorial Health medical plan. As such, effective on and after February 12, plan participants must go through OptumRx (prescription plan administrator covered through your medical plan) and not Blue Cross Blue Shield for the purchase and/or reimbursement of these test kits.

You have four options for test kit coverage:

1. Pay $0 at a preferred network pharmacy: Visit the pharmacy counter at a Kinney Drugs, Rite Aid (including Bartell Drugs), Sam’s Club, Walgreens or Walmart and present your OptumRx member ID card and ask to have your OTC at-home COVID-19 test kits submitted to your plan for coverage.

2. Order at-home COVID-19 tests online with $0 copay through the Optum Store. (Get free shipping on orders of $45+.) Sign in to optumrx.com and go to Get at-home COVID-19 tests with $0 copay. Click the Order Now link. (Smartphone users may need to scroll down to find the link.) If you’ve never signed in to the OptumRx portal, follow these step-by-step instructions.

3. Purchase a kit and then submit an online form for reimbursement: You can also purchase an OTC at-home COVID-19 test kit at other stores or online retailers. Keep your purchase receipt(s) to submit for reimbursement. Your plan will reimburse up to $12 per test. Start your online request form.

4. Purchase a kit and then print and mail in a paper reimbursement form. Your plan will reimburse up to $12 per test. Please note you will receive reimbursement more quickly if you submit an online claim form.

Which COVID-19 tests are covered?
Coverage includes OTC at-home COVID-19 test kits authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The most common tests are brands BinaxNOW™, CLINITEST®, Flowflex™, i-Health®, InteliSwab™, On/Go™ QuickVue® and COVID-19 at-home test kits (Roche).

Is there a limit to how many tests will be covered?
Yes. Covered members can get up to eight individual tests per month (e.g., a family of four would be eligible for 32 tests a month). Members are limited to eight tests per person (or four kits/32 tests per household) per calendar month at the Optum Store.

How do I get reimbursed for OTC COVID-19 tests purchased at other stores or online retailers?
If you purchased FDA-authorized COVID-19 tests at a retail store or online retailer on or after January 15, 2022, you can be reimbursed for up to eight tests per covered member per month.
You will need copies of your purchase receipt(s). Complete one form per covered family member. To receive the quickest possible reimbursement of up to $12 per test, submit an electronic claim form. You can also print and mail in a reimbursement form.

More information
Visit optumrx.com/testinfo for the latest updates and information.

If you have any questions regarding this information, please call the Benefits Contact Center at 508-334-8511 or email the benefitscontactcenter@umassmemorial.org.

UMass Memorial to Offer Free Med Term Courses

SHARE has received the following information from UMass Memorial Hospital about this program that can benefit many SHARE members:

Introduction to Medical Terminology

Organization and People Development is partnering with Quinsigamond Community College (QCC) to offer “Introduction to Medical Terminology” to UMMH caregivers.  This 15-week course is available at no cost to caregivers, and credits can be applied toward many of QCC’s healthcare certificate and degree programs. There are no out-of-pocket expenses for caregivers. Tuition, books, and fees for this class will be covered by UMass Memorial Health.

The course is live, online, and instructor-led. There are 15 sessions for a total of 45 learning hours.

Registrations will be processed on a first come, first served basis.

  • Session 1:  November 1st, 2022 - February 14th, 2023     Tuesdays from 6:00 – 9:00 P.M.  

  • Session 2:  January - May 2023                           Day & time TBD based on caregiver interest

See this inquiry form for a course summary, FAQ, and contact information.