SHARE has received the following information from UMass Memorial Hospital about this program that can benefit many SHARE members:
Introduction to Medical Terminology
Organization and People Development is partnering with Quinsigamond Community College (QCC) to offer “Introduction to Medical Terminology” to UMMH caregivers. This 15-week course is available at no cost to caregivers, and credits can be applied toward many of QCC’s healthcare certificate and degree programs. There are no out-of-pocket expenses for caregivers. Tuition, books, and fees for this class will be covered by UMass Memorial Health.
The course is live, online, and instructor-led. There are 15 sessions for a total of 45 learning hours.
Registrations will be processed on a first come, first served basis.
Session 1: November 1st, 2022 - February 14th, 2023 Tuesdays from 6:00 – 9:00 P.M.
Session 2: January - May 2023 Day & time TBD based on caregiver interest
See this inquiry form for a course summary, FAQ, and contact information.