Over one-hundred fifty UMass Memorial caregivers were nominated for the 2023 Bee Award. And the first ever presentation of the Award, which stands for “Be Exceptional Everyday,” was made to Hilda Achampong, a SHARE member and PCA on the South 6 nursing floor on the Memorial campus of our hospital.
A couple dozen hospital administrators, nurse educators, and others came to South 6, where Hilda works, bringing flowers, pizza, and cupcakes to celebrate with staff on the floor. The award recognizes outstanding work going above and beyond to support patients and exemplify standards of respect. Justin Precourt, UMass Memorial’s Chief Nursing Officer, and Nurse Manager Lori Peasley presented Hilda with the award.
Hilda responded graciously, saying, “We work as a team here.”
““Hilda-Gail is an exceptional example of teamwork, respect, and safety. A patient was mentally escalating with frustrations. The patient had a language barrier (ASL primarily preferred). Hilda-Gail spent the day ensuring a safe environment for this patient and communicating not only with an interpreter but sharing written messages back and forth in the room. As the patient began to escalate, she acted quickly and thoughtfully to ensure safety for all involved parties! We see you, Hilda-Gail!” ”
SHARE is happy to recognize the meaningful work that PCAs do every day throughout our hospital, including South 6. And we are especially excited now to celebrate you, Hilda, on receiving this well-deserved award. Congratulations!

Hilda-Gail Achampong (center), shown with South 6 PCA Teammates Chris Franklin (left) and Hellen Itemere (right)