SHARE New Year Roundup, Including the Newly-Published Contract

We hope your 2020 is off to a good start!  This year, we’re continuing to develop improved ways to keep you connected to useful information about what’s happening in our union, our hospital, and our community, and the benefits you can claim as a SHARE union member.   


The SHARE contract is available online to make it easy to access and search.  And, it’s now in print, too! SHARE Reps and organizers will be distributing contracts throughout the campuses over the next few weeks. You’ll see us around the departments . . . but, just in case, we’re setting up contract distribution tables too. Check the Contract Distribution blog post for dates and times. We want everyone to have access to a copy, so please be in touch if we can find a better way to get them to you and your co-workers.


The work of SHARE members is getting noticed. We’re very excited that SHARE member Jackie Rodriguez recently received the AFSCME International “Never Quit” award for her efforts to get test results more efficiently. We love this video portrait of Jackie and her work. We’re excited, too, that SHARE’s Unit Based Teams featured as the subject of  one of the top “Patient Safety Beat” stories of 2019

SHARE Member Jackie Rodriguez, recipient of the AFSCME Never Quit Service Award

SHARE Member Jackie Rodriguez, recipient of the AFSCME Never Quit Service Award

Fresh off the press! The new red Contract book!

Fresh off the press! The new red Contract book!


  • New specialties and degree programs are available through the AFSCME Free College Benefit (the Associate’s program is zero cost, and a new Bachelor’s degree program is low- or no-cost for members, too!)

  • UMass Memorial is offering Medical Terminology classes on the University Campus

  • UMass Memorial and Worcester State University have partnered again to provide more sessions of the Pathway to College Program, which offers low-cost courses that serve as the foundation for many different degree programs.


If you’re a dues-paying SHARE member, you can take advantage of the AFSCME Free College Benefit mentioned above, as well as the many perks of the Union Plus program. To do so,  you’ll need to know your AFSCME ID Number. This is printed on any mailings addressed to you from our parent union, AFSCME. The SHARE office has also been provided with a list, so give us a call (508-929-4020), and we can look that number up for you, too.


We’re looking forward to lots more in-person conversations. Our connections are what make SHARE strong. Thanks to your participation, SHARE secured another strong contract last year, including consistent raises, and, among other things, commitments from the hospital to continue to support affordable health insurance premiums, the defined benefit pension program for all members, and to expand Unit Based Teams to more departments, which puts more SHARE members in important roles to partner in important decisions. 

More to come. In the meanwhile, have a meaningful Martin Luther King Day weekend . .