The SHARE Contract: Get Your New Red Book

You Did It!

Although most of the policies remain the same between the contracts, you can recycle your old copy from 2016 now.

Although most of the policies remain the same between the contracts, you can recycle your old copy from 2016 now.

SHARE includes 2700 caregivers in over 170 job titles at UMass Memorial Hospital who take pride in their work and stay connected through their union. We demonstrated that again in our last contract negotiations. Our connections helped our negotiating team to work through some tough sticking points in our conversations about money with hospital management. Your participation was critical to securing solid raises. Remember the photo campaign?

The Contract Bargaining Agreement resulting from those negotiations is online. AND, THE NEW RED BOOK IS NOW AVAILABLE IN PRINT, TOO!

Contract Distribution

Although we encourage you to access and search the Contract from your computer or phone, we know it can sometimes be helpful to have the book itself in your hands. SHARE Reps are currently receiving copies that they can distribute in their areas.

Also, SHARE Organizers will also be stationed at the following times and locations with copies to distribute:

  • 1/21 (2:15-3:15)—306 Belmont

  • 1/28 (4:30pm-6pm)—Memorial Cafeteria

  • 1/29 (11:30am-1pm)—Memorial Cafeteria

  • 1/30 (11:30am-1pm)—University Cafeteria & ACC Lobby

  • 1/30 (4pm-6pm)—University Cafeteria

SHARE Organizers will directly contact Biotech III, Shrewsbury Family Medicine, WBC, Hahnemann, Tri River, Century Drive, and other areas with additional times and details, and will have copies when they’re around the various UMass Memorial sites. We want everyone to get a copy who wants one, so please contact the SHARE office (508-929-4020) if you would like to make additional arrangements for you and your co-workers.