SHARE and UMass Memorial Medical Center Sign Improved Redeployment Agreement

SHARE leaders and management have spent a lot of time talking about the redeployments last Spring, so that we could try to make things better for SHARE members during subsequent surges. (See SHARE members survey responses here.)  We recently signed an agreement that includes these improvements:

Making One-to-Ones Voluntary 

The first big improvement was for union and management to create voluntary float pool to cover the needs for one-to-ones on COVID floors. We heard from SHARE PCAs from the clinics that it was difficult to get dropped cold into the role of a patient observer, especially if they had to work a different shift from their usual. By asking for SHARE member volunteers ahead of time, the volunteers were able to pick up extra time or over-time at times that work for them and their families instead. 

The Current Status of Redeployment 

The hospital hopes to continue to keep clinics open during this Winter’s COVID-19 surge. At the moment, senior leadership has no plans to redeploy SHARE members from ambulatory clinics to other parts of the hospital. They caution that things could change, but they are hoping they don’t. Only a few procedure areas, like HVIL (Heart and Vascular Intervention Lab), are currently slated to redeploy to other areas of the hospital. 

Improvements in the Agreement 

Nevertheless, it makes sense to put into place as good a process for redeployment as possible for SHARE members. SHARE and UMass Memorial Medical Center signed an agreement this week that contains significant progress: 

  • Liaisons from SHARE will connect with the HR Labor Pool team to help with redeployment plans. 

  • Voluntary redeployment is the goal. If more people are needed than there are volunteers, they will be selected by reverse seniority. 

  • Everyone who is willing to stay in their home department or be redeployed will have work at their current pay rate and hours. 

  • The union-management Labor Pool Problem Solving group will case manage situations where a SHARE member declines a redeployment – less of a ”one-strike-you’re-out” approach, or where someone is asked to work a different shift. 

  • If a SHARE member declines to be redeployed to any job, then they will be placed on furlough. The furlough process will be more clear this time, though the SHARE member still has the option to use their paid time off or go on unemployment. 

SHARE is pleased with the agreement, and the way the union-management collaboration created it. 

You can read the full agreement online. Please contact SHARE with any questions or concerns.

Incentive Pay Program Extended: Good News & Bad News

It’s a good news, bad news situation: when incentive pay for RNs who pick up extra shifts in some COVID units got extended, SHARE Respiratory Therapists were added (good news), but SHARE PCAs who work side-by-side with the RNs, did not (bad news).

Starting over the holidays, RNs who signed up for extra shifts in certain units were paid “incentive pay” of $100 for four hours extra. UMass Memorial Medical Center management says that they started the incentive pay when RN open shifts were threatening to cause them to have to close beds and turn patients away because of a shortage of licensed staff.  

It’s a slap in the face . . .
— more than one SHARE member

Even though this was not hazard pay, some SHARE members felt that this incentive pay program sent the message that their work with COVID patients was valued less than RNs’ work. 

The temporary RN incentive pay program was scheduled to expire on Saturday, January 16th. However, nursing leadership decided on Friday to extend it. In addition, a new program that offers a pay incentive to respiratory therapists who pick up extra shifts was created. No new program was created for the inpatient PCAs. 

Over the last 2 weeks, SHARE has advocated for SHARE jobs to be included in incentive pay. In particular, SHARE members who work side-by-side RNs who are getting incentive pay, such as PCAs and Respiratory Therapists, should be included. SHARE and management leaders discussed the incentive pay at the Labor Management Partnership Council meeting earlier this month. SHARE Representatives like Kona Enders, PCA, argued that the incentive pay for PCAs would make sure patients get all the care they deserve, support RNs where they are stretched, and show respect for PCAs' role. The incentive would especially help where PCAs are working really short, like the EDs and some ICUs. Joel Masley, Respiratory Therapist at University, described in detail the staffing challenges he and his co-workers are facing: Respiratory Therapists play a critical role in treating COVID-19 patients, and the department cannot hire travelers because they cannot find any who have the critical care experience.

SHARE applauds Medical Center leadership for creating a temporary incentive program to encourage Respiratory Therapists to pick up extra shifts. At the same time, we urge management to include PCAs in the program for RNs, so as to create a unified team of caretakers on those units most struggling with coverage for COVID patients. SHARE believes that management made the wrong decision by not including the PCAs on those units.

Mass PFML Personal Medical Leave Now in Effect

As of January 1st, most SHARE members became eligible to take medical leave for themselves leave under the Massachusetts Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML). The PFML also now provides paid leave to care for certain military-related family leaves, and in the event of a birth, adoption, or foster care placement of a child..

The PFML is a new law in Massachusetts that is being paid for by payroll deductions that began last year. You can learn more on the Massachusetts PFML website, or find more information on the SHARE website, including answers to Frequently Asked Questions about PFML and Short Term Disability.

Additionally, as part of this program, paid family leave to care for a family member with a serious health condition will become available on July 1, 2021.

Member Spotlight: Anthony Baidoo

Radiologic Technologist, Marlborough Hospital, 12/28/2020


In the beginning of Covid-19, we did not have adequate PPE. The demand from COVID overshadowed the supply. It wasn’t that the hospital didn’t want to provide it- it is that the manufacturers had to catch up with the demand. So, we had to ration what we had. We had to reuse PPE or use UV lights to kill the germs. It’s better now that we know better about COVID than previous, and now management is prepared better than the previous. We, radiologic technologists, are also more mentally prepared and that is helpful. 

We were scared at first with the first lockdown for Covid-19. However, through persistence on the job, we came out of the darkness. The initial lockdowns made the cases go down so the workload reduced a bit, but now that it is picking up it is a different world that we’re going into. 

One day, I went with a colleague into a patient's room. There was a gentleman who came in for a Covid test. He was coughing and had a shortness of breath. We told him we were here to perform x-rays on his chest. He responded by saying “I regret telling you this, but I have to tell you that initially I didn’t think Covid-19 was real. But now with the way I feel I know it’s real.” I want to share this story so that people know it is real. You might survive, but there are others who might not. But if together we accept that, together we can overcome it. 

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Click here to connect with more SHARE’d Stories

I have been a Radiologic Technologist for 10 years now. Before, I lived in Ghana where I was an accountant in a mining company. There, I was lucky to be elected a union leader. I learned that there is a difference between how they manage and what the employees want. Their job is to manage and save the company money and help make the most profit possible for the company. However, the union is able to give the workers a voice at the table as well. 

Before, there was not a union in Marlborough Hospital. Many of my coworkers did not understand what benefits there are to a union. However, I let them know that it is good, no matter how, because the union is a bigger force than individuals. The same way, we have brooms from individual palm fronds. When you get a lot of them you put them together you can use  them to sweep. If there is one, you can easily break it, but when you put them all together, you cannot break it.

There is a proverb in my country that explains this: one person’s hand cannot cover the whole sky. Only together can we really make a difference. This both explains the importance of unions and the importance of working together to defeat Covid-19. 

SHARE Member Spotlight: Samantha Roy

Patient Access Services Rep, 12/12/20


For a Patient Access Service Representative in the Cardiology/Vascular Surgery department, all scheduling calls are urgent. Oftentimes, people can be agitated just because they have just had a bad experience with another person. When people are angry, it is helpful to be patient and to do as much as you can for them. When you answer the phone and have a bad attitude, it is not helpful to the patient. When you are happy on the phone you can feel them smile on the phone. I like to treat people the way I want to be treated. It definitely has its ups and downs, but I try my best to help people in the best way possible.  

Sometimes, the patients calling have cancer or are caring for a loved one who has cancer, it can be hard to tell them about not having an appointment available ASAP. I usually just try to ask a lot of questions to ask how they are doing and making them feel heard. It is really nice to know that someone cares no matter what. When you are sick, you don't want to be transferred to ten different people, but we just try to fix it and make it as easy of a process possible.  

In the beginning of the pandemic, it was difficult to get people scheduled because of the change in phone systems and how quickly everything happened. We used to not have computers or access at home, so it was an adjustment. Also, we have to now ask patients to get tested before coming in and that can be really difficult for patients who have Alzheimer’s or any other kind of disability. Although the process has become a bit more complicated, I like being home and I get to still talk to my coworkers, my friends, on phone or on Zoom. Also, it is much healthier that we are all at home and can stay safe. My son is twelve and he's online too. He's working back-and-forth with the process, too. It has been an adjustment, but we are adjusting together and staying safe together. It is just much healthier to be home and be safe. It is just the way of life right now and is the safest way.  

I am used to changes, though. In the beginning of my career, we used to use paper and then the system changed. The experience of getting used to a new system was quite hectic. I often book up to eighty appointments a day.  

When booking appointments during Covid-19, a patient was trying to get her heart monitor and she could not come to the hospital to pick it up. She ordered it and UPS, due to the pandemic, sent it late and it was broken. She had to return it and then she was told she was going to get another one. Unfortunately, due to the delay she had to go to the ER because of her inability to monitor herself. I followed up with her and made sure that she was seen by our doctors and checked in with her to make sure that she was okay. I made sure that she knew that I was there for her and if she needed anything she could always call. I wanted to make sure that she had someone to call and talk to especially because she had no one.  

I always think that if my mom called someone and did not get the help that she needed, I would be mad. I want to make sure that I don’t do that to anyone and not make anyone angry. Even if I don’t have much time, I want to do as much as possible for whoever I am speaking to and make sure they are able to reach who they need to reach. If I can fix it, I am going to try to fix it. It might take longer, but it should be done right the first time. Sometimes patients will call and they accidentally have reached the wrong person. I try to make sure that I do whatever I am able to do — either connect them with the right office or give them the number myself — especially for patients who don’t know how to look that up themselves.  

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Click here to connect with more SHARE’d Stories

I am glad to be a part of this union; it feels great to have someone that I can text for advice and have someone be there for us and to support us. I saw a letter from the union about letting us work from home and that is so important in case any of us gets sick at this time. The support is huge so that I can do the best at my job especially during Covid-19.  

I try to let everyone around me know that they can call the union if they are having issues. It feels good to be there for other people at work and outside of work. I like to follow my heart and just do what I feel is right as a first responder. As I say, I’m Sam-I-Am. I know who I am, and I like to do what feels right.  



SHARE Blog Digest: COVID Vaccine, 2021 Dues, Member Spotlights, Cushing-Gavin Award, and More . . .

We hope you’re keeping safe and well through all of this snow! (Learn more about our negotiated inclement weather policy here if you work at the Medical Center, by the way.) There are plenty of fresh posts on the SHARE blog if you’re looking for a cozy fireside read . . . or if, like most of us, you’re working to help keep Central Mass healthy right now, and you’re reading this during your break. Here’s a quick roundup . . .  

Hazard Pay 

Congress is currently on the “precipice” of a new stimulus package agreement, according to current news reports. The details are still being worked out, but the deal is likely to include stimulus checks for individuals and families. The SHARE Executive Boards recently urged Massachusetts lawmakers in the U.S. Senate to provide hazard pay to healthcare workers

First COVID Vaccinations Administered at UMass Memorial 

SHARE members who care directly for COVID patients have been among the first to receive the new vaccine, and the early reports are good. Marlborough hospital X-Ray Technologist Mitz DeSouza says, “It was a happy environment at the hospital yesterday -- everyone getting the vaccine seemed was optimistic.” Read more about his experience here

SHARE member Sabrine Aakil describes her experience as a Lab Technician during COVID.

SHARE member Sabrine Aakil describes her experience as a Lab Technician during COVID.

SHARE Members Making a Difference 

The SHARE’d Stories spotlight focused recently on Medical Lab Technician Sabrine Aakil; she describes her experience processing COVID-19 test results for ED patients at Marlborough Hospital. Also, SHARE’s first Frontline Leader Fellow, Kona Enders, gives her report on her experience observing and participating in the day-to-day work of our union.

2021 Dues Rates Announced 

Dues are an investment that union members make in themselves and their co-workers. AFSCME, SHARE’s parent union, has announced dues rates increases for the upcoming year. The 2021 regular weekly dues rate for SHARE members will be $9.60. That is an increase of eighteen cents per paycheck, or a little less than ½ cent per hour. For members working 20 hours/week, the 2021 weekly rate will be $7.19. The new rates will be reflected in the January 7 paycheck. Read more . . .  

Janet Wilder, SHARE Lead Organizer, Wins Cushing-Gavin Award 

JW w CG award.jpeg

And finally, we couldn’t be more pleased to announce that our own Janet Wilder is this year’s Labor Leader recipient of the Cushing-Gavin Award, which represents a crowning achievement of a life’s work of labor activism. Janet used the opportunity in her acceptance to describe the work of the unsung heroes on the frontlines our hospital, and to describe the value of Labor and Management forging strategic partnerships. During the event, UMass Memorial Senior VP and Chief Human Resources Officer Bart Metzger admired Janet for doing everything in her power to argue “relentlessly” for collaboration between management and staff . . . and for having “no compunction” about keeping management honest if they get lazy in their commitment to partnership. And MIT Management Professor explained that he’s observed “remarkable” work coming from Janet and SHARE over the years. Congratulations, Janet, and to everyone in the SHARE community! 





First COVID Vaccinations Administered at UMass Memorial

As the U.S. enters its third wave of the Coronavirus and Massachusetts continues to deal with its current active outbreak, UMass Memorial received its first batch of the new COVID-19 vaccine, and SHARE is hearing good reports. Mitz DeSouza, X-Ray Technologist at Marlborough Hospital, had this to say about his experience:


I took the COVID vaccine because it’s very important to me — we are all vulnerable, not only because I am working with COVID positive patients, but even if I wasn’t taken care of patients with the virus, we are all exposed.   

I have been waiting for this.  I did my own research about the vaccine, and even talked with our ED doctors at the Hospital. I felt very encouraged. Everything went well, no side effects, my shoulder felt less sore than the flu shot. It’s been more than 24 hours already, and I’ve had not side effects. I got it before my work shift, and went to work my work right after.  

It was a happy environment at the hospital yesterday –everyone getting the vaccine seemed was optimistic. We had the ED staff there, radiology techs, nurses and coworkers who have the direct contact with COVID patients. We have been so scared about COVID and I was very happy to finally get vaccinated.  I encourage other coworkers to get it. 

You can learn more about the latest data and scientific findings about COVID-19, including research into the vaccines and other therapies, at

Kona Enders, SHARE's First Frontline Leader Fellow

This month we welcomed our first SHARE Frontline Leader Fellow, Kona Enders. Kona has worked as a PCA on 3 West at the University campus for seventeen years, where she has long been recognized as a strong advocate for her patients and coworkers. She’s served as a union Rep for most of that time, and recently joined the Labor Management Partnership Council. Here, Kona writes about her recent time observing and participating in the day-to-day work of our union . . .

My Fellowship Report

by Kona Enders

Thank you all so much for giving me the opportunity to participate in this Fellowship with the SHARE Union. When I was asked to do the Fellowship some time last year, I was a little bit hesitant, nervous, and didn’t know what to expect. But after encouragements from management and SHARE (especially staff organizers Will, Deb and Janet), I decided to accept the Fellowship. Because of COVID-19, my first concern was how and where I was going to do the Fellowship . . . and with whom. The SHARE Staff assured me that they will guide me through the process and not to be nervous. Glad they did, because I was very nervous coming on board.

Kona Enders with SHARE staff organizer Will Erickson

Kona Enders with SHARE staff organizer Will Erickson

What was really enlightening about the Fellowship was been invited to all of these very important collaborations between HR Business Partners, management and SHARE. They are all working together to make sure SHARE employees have a say in decision-making about their jobs and families during these changing times. Mostly importantly, all of the organizations have been working together to find jobs for people who had to change their hours, or even move to completely different jobs in order to manage family and school schedules, too, during these changing times. I also got an inside look at how SHARE worked toward a better solution for everyone to be approached about the flu shots with a fair process.

I have gained valuable insight into how the organization runs and functions over the past two months. Because you gave me the opportunity to listen-in and speak in some of the Zoom meetings, I had the chance to observe numerous aspects of how the Union works in our communities, hospitals, management . . . how to problem solve with our members and most certainly always been there to support and care for everyone especially during this difficult times. The entire staff at SHARE was extremely welcoming and helpful to me at all times.

I had the opportunity to attend UBT’s which I really like because the managers and staff are working together to make work flows better in their departments at both campuses with the guidance of SHARE.

I’m especially excited about my A3 project that I’m working on with Will [Erickson, SHARE Organizer and Process Improvement coach]. He and I are working to help us be safe on the floor and keep our patients safe by having all the necessary supplies and equipment in every room to better care for each patient.

I learned a lot during my Fellowship with SHARE. We covered the following things and more:

1. Going to Zoom meetings

2. Labor Management meetings with UMass Memorial and Marlboro Hospitals

a. Working on PCA’S staffing at Marlboro hospital

b. Finding release times and funds for share members to go for training

c. Advocating for child care

d. Working with HR Business Partners and Managers to get flexible schedule and hours for members because of COVID and School

3. Medical Center briefings with SHARE - finding a fair process with flu shots for all employees

a. Addressing issues with the process of mandating staff on a short notice at CCU

4. Care Giver Survey results from floors

a. What does the result mean?

b. What’s next for the organization?

5. Phone Organizing with new members

a. Phoning new members to sign membership cards

b. Phoning old members about the Engagement Survey results

6. Educating new employees about their pension program

7. Organizing and attending UBT meetings

a. Mangers and members working together to make work flow in their various departments

b. Everyone needs to be heard

8. Lakeside Learning events once a week in person with Janet, AJ and Jameal (training sessions with new members of the SHARE organizing staff to talk about values, skills, and labor history)

a. The process of organizing a Union

b. The process of problem solving for members in our Union

c. Encouraging our members to have a say at work

d. Dealing with criticism as a Union

e. The Basics of De-Escalation.

9. Re-imagining the Idea System/Idea Huddle

10. Surveying PCA’s and One-to-Ones to prepare for the second surge

11. Working towards organizing the PCA committee at the University Campus with Management and HR Business Partners.

12. Working on A3 form with Will

a. Finding the root cause of the problem, missing essential equipment and supplies needed in every room on the floor

b. Finding a solution to the problem by including a list on the assignment sheets for all shifts

13. Share working on the process of clarifying Short Term Disability for Open Enrollment

14. “Fireside Chats” with members

I might not have absorbed everything during the past two months, but I had a wonderful experience. Special thanks to UMass Memorial Administrators, my Nursing Manager, and to SHARE for the privilege and words of encouragement and guidance throughout this training. Thanks again for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Thanks to all for your help!

K. Enders

Kona Enders, PCA 3 West (11/09/20)

Read more from Kona in the SHARE’d Stories project, where she recently recounted her experience working on the front line caring for COVID-positive patients.

Member in the Spotlight: Sabrine Aakil

Sabrine Aakil

Medical Lab Techician, Marlborough Hospital, 11/11/20

I am really passionate about what I do. I already have my two-year degree and currently work as a medical lab technician, but I am also in school to continue my passions. I work in the lab in Chemistry and Hematology at UMass Memorial, where I process specimens and review the result. 

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In the beginning of COVID-19, it was overwhelming for all the hospital staff when the cases were really high. As lab techs, we worried about not having enough supplies to run COVID-19 tests. We used to wonder what will happen if we run out. However, now, we have enough supplies and are not worrying as much. Due to COVID-19, we just have to remain really sharp. We need to engage in proper protocol and PPE usage in order to make sure that we don’t get sick. It is extremely important that we maintain that.

During COVID-19, many patients call about results for their COVID-19 tests. They often have to get tested in case they are traveling or due to their jobs. We would let them know when their results would come in, but many of them are on urgent deadlines due to travel dates. In the lab itself, we only process rapid tests for patients who come through the emergency room. Most of the Covid-19 tests are sent out to another lab to be processed.  

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Click here to connect with more SHARE’d Stories

I love working with my coworkers. We communicate well — we make sure that things are working effectively and the timing is right. We are really good at helping each other work on things that require teamwork. My coworkers are super caring and nice, but also so smart. They have so much knowledge and I love to learn from them. I have learned how to work calmly and to figure things out. We are always learning new procedures and are needing to adapt within the lab. Thankfully, we are always receiving the best training possible. My coworkers also have a great work ethic and it has made me realize how important it is to be working with people who I can look up to.

At work, everyone is always complimenting each other and that makes the energy so nice. During our breaks, we talk to each other more on a personal level.  Before COVID-19, we used to always have baked goods on our table. We always have shared food, goals and ideas for our department. We are always working together to make it a better environment for all of us. Since Covid-19, things have changed. We don't have the option to bring things, but we always talk about what we will do when this is all over. Hopefully, we will be able to break bread together soon. 

Janet Wilder, SHARE Lead Organizer, Wins Cushing-Gavin Award

This December, the Cushing-Gavin Awards (CGA) recognizes SHARE’s own lead organizer, Janet Wilder, for her accomplishments. This recognition is a high honor -- the most respected labor award in our region -- and highlights Janet’s decades of dedication to the well-being of SHARE members.  Although this year’s award ceremony was, for safety reasons, held virtually, Janet brought the warmth and dedication of SHARE members, organizers, and union reps into this year’s award presentation as she described SHARE members’ efforts in the past year. 

Janet Wilder, SHARE Organizer, holding her Cushing-Gavin Award plaque. Established in 1967, the CGA represents a crowning achievement of a life’s work of labor activism. Janet’s leadership, perseverance, and compassion during the COVID-19 pandemic m…

Janet Wilder, SHARE Organizer, holding her Cushing-Gavin Award plaque. Established in 1967, the CGA represents a crowning achievement of a life’s work of labor activism. Janet’s leadership, perseverance, and compassion during the COVID-19 pandemic mirrors the commitment she’s shown for workers since helping to organize our union’s beginnings in 1997. 

About the Cushing Gavin Award

Every year the CGA celebrates four awardees: one labor leader, one labor attorney, one management leader, and a neutral/arbitrator. The CGA Ceremony (which is typically a gala dinner event) is hosted by The Labor Guild, part of the Archdiocese of Boston, an organization that aims to provide training, assistance, and recognition to those in the labor-management fields. Janet was selected as the labor leader winner for this year’s 54th annual prize. Describing the occasion in her acceptance speech, Janet said the CGA event is a place where we can “recommit ourselves” to the labor movement and this work.

The Importance of Healthcare Workers

Throughout her acceptance, Janet described the changing and often overwhelming conditions since the onset of COVID-19. Janet and her co-workers on the SHARE team at UMass Memorial organize healthcare workers in over one hundred different roles -- roles that, as Janet points out, tend to be overlooked by the press when describing those who are essential to hospitals.

Partnership Matters

Janet also described SHARE’s Labor Management Partnership with UMass Memorial as a crucial tool for making sure SHARE members have a say in how their workplace functions. When direct caregivers participate in the design of healthcare, it leads to better outcomes for all, especially patients. (Besides, as UMass Memorial Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer Bart Metzger put it in his congratulatory remarks to Janet: “There’s no business case for adversarialism.”) SHARE’s strategic partnership with the hospital aligns with the overall aims of the CGA and The Labor Guild to “foster a healthy labor-management climate.” 

Janet’s devotion to true collaboration and collective problem-solving has changed the lives of many of us in Central Massachusetts. We’re grateful for her, and proud that she represents all of us with this recognition. Congratulations, Janet, and to everyone in the SHARE community! 

An Open Letter to Massachusetts' U.S. Senators about Hazard Pay

Because SHARE members continue to face exhausting, potentially dangerous challenges during the pandemic, SHARE’s Executive Boards have sent the following letter to Senators Markey and Warren urging Federal support for the front lines. Specifically, we urge them to fund much-needed hazard pay for healthcare workers. We again encourage you, too, to push your Senators for meaningful support.

SHARE Union Letter re Hazard Pay Warren-page-001.jpg
SHARE Union Letter re Hazard Pay Warren-page-002.jpg

2021 Dues Rates Announced

AFSCME, SHARE’s parent union, has announced dues rates increases for the upcoming year. The 2021 regular weekly dues rate for SHARE members will be $9.60. That is an increase of eighteen cents per paycheck, or a little less than ½ cent per hour. For members working 20 hours/week, the 2021 weekly rate will be $7.19. The new rates will be reflected in the January 7 paycheck.


Dues are an investment that SHARE members make in themselves and their coworkers. Without a union, employees have very little leverage to make change, or even to hold onto what they have.

SHARE members want respect for the work that they do, fair treatment, opportunities for advancement, and good raises so that they can take care of themselves and their families. SHARE gives employees a voice in various ways:

  • In contract negotiations, we have a voice in our pay, benefits and work policies.

  • In union meetings and individual conversations, we have a voice in the direction and priorities of the union

  • Through the problem-solving process, we have a voice when individual problems/conflicts come up at work

  • In union elections, we have a voice in who our representatives will be

  • Through committees, Unit Based Teams, and ad-hoc negotiations, we have a voice in issues that face groups of SHARE members

When it comes down to dollars and cents, dues pay for themselves. SHARE has consistently negotiated raises each year that our union has existed, over 22 years. Those increases have resulted in notably better pay rates than non-union counterparts. Among other things, our hospital also continues to contribute to the Defined Benefit Pension plan of all SHARE members, as well as continuing to pay 85% of Health Insurance costs.

Working together through the union, SHARE members can continue to make progress in all these areas. And dues support the staff who support this work.


Any annual increase is calculated by the AFSCME International office based on the average percent increase of AFSCME members’ pay rates across the country in the previous year.


The short answer is that dues mostly pays for SHARE staff.

The longer answer is that SHARE members at UMass Memorial pool their dues money with members of three other unions locals: SHARE at UMass Medical School, HUCTW at Harvard University, and USW at Cambridge Health Alliance. The four union locals together are called the New England Organizing Project (NEOP). All their dues together pay for the union staff for all the locals, union offices, phones and utilities, mailings, etc. About 75% of the budget is for staff.

The staff spend their time gathering information and opinions from members, sharing information with members, developing and supporting SHARE Reps, helping members with questions or problems, negotiating contracts, organizing events, researching issues, writing blog posts, etc., all on behalf of SHARE members.


If you would like to know more, please talk to a SHARE Rep, email, or call 508-929-4020. You can also learn more about what our union does, and the benefits of union membership, by exploring

Blog Digest: PFML & STD, Member Spotlight, and More

Our hospitals are as busy as ever, and SHARE is hopping. In case you missed it, check out this update of What SHARE’s Working on Now, which summarizes a baker’s dozen of our current projects and trends in the work that we’re doing together. And there’s plenty more . . .  

Paid Family Medical Leave & Short Term Disability 

SHARE has been asked questions about how Short Term Disability insurance (STD) and the new Massachusetts Paid Family Medical Leave Law  (PFML) will affect SHARE members starting in January. Many of these answers have been developing over the past several months, and we’ve worked to understand and collect them together. Read more . . . 

Jennifer Perchak & the AFSCME Free College Benefit 

Jenn Perchak has been one of the SHARE pioneers in AFSCME’s Free College benefit program, having already earned a spot on the Dean’s List, and now her first college degree. This opportunity is open to all SHARE members and their families. SHARE has heard several really great reports about this benefit, and we’re very happy to know that it’s making a difference. Read what Jenn has to say about the experience. 

This Thursday: LatinX Listening Session 

Hosted by UMass Memorial with hospital CEO Eric Dickson, this Webex will focus on questions about creating a more equitable and inclusive healthcare system. Learn more about this event, and register in advance to join the conversation on November 19 at 4:30. 

Observational Assistants, and Improving Deployment in the Next Surge 

During the first COVID surge in our hospital, SHARE members highlighted that being deployed as a One-to-One Observer was tough on schedules. Since then, over 170 respondents replied to our recent One-to-One Observer Survey. As a result, SHARE members can volunteer for what works for them more, and our hospital will be better staffed. Thank you for your help to keep our union and our hospital strong. 

AFL-CIO Pushes Federal Hazard Pay for Front Line Caregivers 

Recent communications from the AFL-CIO, an umbrella organization of over 12.5 million union members, including SHARE, point out that, with COVID-19 on the rise again, unprecedented numbers of people filling hospitals across the country. There’s not time to wait for the upcoming political transitions before providing more federal support to front line workers. “We need the U.S. Senate to pass the HEROES Act now to provide real relief to front-line workers and the unemployed,” they write. And we can all take action to urge our Senators to do that. 

Short Term Disability and Mass. Paid Family Medical Leave: Details and FAQ 

SHARE has been asked questions about how Short Term Disability insurance (STD) and the new Massachusetts Paid Family Medical Leave law (PFML) will affect SHARE members starting in January. Many of these answers have been developing over the past several months, and we’ve worked to understand and collect them together.

Working with the Benefits department in Human Resources, SHARE put together this FAQ. It’s very detailed, because these two programs are both very detailed, and because the answers will be different for different SHARE members.

We hope you find this information useful. If you have read the info in the HR benefits packet and this FAQ and you have more questions, please call the SHARE office at 508-929-4020, or email We will work to find out the answers with you.

Member Spotlight: Jenn Perchak, Medical Office Assistant, Endocrinology

Jenn Perchak has been one of the pioneers in AFSCME’s Free College benefit program, which is open to all SHARE members. SHARE has heard several really great reports about this benefit, and we’re very happy to know that it’s making a difference. As you can see, Jenn is mighty busy, but that hasn’t kept her from impressive success earning a spot on the Dean’s List and then her first college degree. Here she is in her own words . . .


I swore I would never work in the medical field. My mom is a registered respiratory therapist and LPN, so I grew up around hospitals, and swore I would never work in one. When I had my oldest child nineteen years ago, I was looking for a job to do. My friend said to take a one hundred hour course to become a CNA and if you passed it then you would be paid for the one hundred hours in minimum wage. However, I was getting sick of working weekends and holidays. So I decided to become a medical assistant, and now work in the Endocrinology Department at UMass. 

My favorite part of this job is interacting with the patients. I have a patient who found out that I raise cows with my mom and now he calls me “beef” and it's pretty funny. My mom had learned about the bad quality of the meat sold in stores, and so she asked her husband if she can buy a cow. That was a gateway to now having sixty-five cows. I help my mom out with sixty-five grass-fed non-GMO certified cows, and have a store in New Braintree with her. 

Outside of working on the farm on the weekends, I work forty hours at UMass, I have four kids, and I also decided to go to school full time online through the union. I just finished my associate degree and graduated with a 3.9 GPA in June. Now, I am working on my bachelors and just got accepted into Central State of Ohio with the Union bachelor’s program. Going to school has been fun! The classes were not as tough as I thought they would be. It has been super interesting to learn so much. 


It is really easy to sign up for college through the union. You just go to the SHARE website and click the link. I found out about this through a coworker who was starting Nursing school through this same program. She just told me that I should do this and so I am doing it! 

My favorite part about school is that I can apply what I am learning to the farm that my mom and I run together. I am studying Business Management so when I had to write a business plan for school I wrote one for the farm. When I had to work on social media marketing for school, I applied it to the farm. 

If you are dedicated to school and work you can do both! Just take advantage of this opportunity as much as you can. I was just looking at my associate in Business Management and the price of it without FAFSA and the union is $59,000. After FAFSA, the Union paid for the rest. People say that unions just protect the bad employees but I have been with UMass for eleven years and my dues have not equaled 59,000 dollars. We deserve this and more. 

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Click here to connect with more SHARE’D Stories

In the past, I was anti-union until I worked at UMass. Now that I have been in the union, I would not trade it for the world. I have always worked with [staff organizer] Bobbi-Jo from the beginning. It is so nice to have her around and she has been so supportive of me through school. I have known Bobbi-Jo for eight years now and I don't even know if she is technically my union representative now but I told her that you are stuck with me! I can call her any time and I know that she will be there for me. 

Upcoming LatinX Virtual Listening Session with UMass Memorial CEO Dr. Eric Dickson

SHARE supports UMass Memorial’s efforts to be a more inclusive community. We encourage Hispanic and LatinX members to take note of the following opportunity to engage directly with hospital leadership . . .  

LatinX Caregivers: Thursday, November 19, at 4:30 pm – Because we do not currently have a large LatinX Employee Resource Group, we open this session to all caregivers who may identify as, with, or support these groups.

If you are interested in attending, please send an RSVP note to or reply to this email that you would like to attend. Once we have your RSVP, we will send you the Webex link.

More about the Listening Sessions

6-7 of these sessions have taken place already. Our goal in convening these sessions is to listen and respectfully acknowledge our colleagues who share their experiences with racism in the community and at work.

  • We acknowledge that there has not always been room for these conversations

  • For this reason, we are here today to listen and to learn from one another so that we can move forward together

  • We encourage a continued dialogue and invite your continued feedback so that we can improve

  • There is important equity work that we need to do going forward, and we will act but that action must be informed by the feedback employees, patients, and the community share with us.

  • We are meeting with and listening to different employee groups as a part of our planning for action

  • We will then share a plan of action with the goal of making our system one in which all employees and patients feel a true sense of belonging through inclusion

Potential Questions for Discussion

  • Please share ways in which we can make our health care system more equitable.

  • You may wish to share a story of an interpersonal challenge you have witnessed or experienced in our healthcare system.

  • You might also share an example of an equity related systems issue you have observed or faced in our healthcare system.

  • If you would like to share a question or comment in advance of the session, please email

SHARE Blog Digest: Bonuses, Scholarships, Member Spotlights, and More . . .


As you probably know, UMass Memorial is giving an Appreciation Bonus for all the hard work done by caregivers during the COVID surge. Many SHARE members were surprised and pleased when they heard about the bonus. It’s the right thing to do, and not a small amount of money when you add it up for all the employees. COVID continues to be incredibly hard for everyone, and the hospital is trying to recognize what people are going through, and show their appreciation. Read more.  


SHARE members and their families members qualify for a number of college scholarships and educational benefits, including free online degree programs. Some recently-announced scholarships for graduating high-school seniors have approaching deadlines. SHARE families have won these scholarships now for the past several years in a row . . . we’d love to see more students benefit from these opportunities!  


Do you know someone who might be interested to work at UMass Memorial? The hospital is currently offering $500 Referral Bonuses to SHARE members and other hospital staff for their help in recruiting new employees to PCA jobs (both Inpatient PCA 1 and 2, and PCA2s in Ambulatory) and Medical Office Assistant (MOA) positions. Make sure your friend names you when they apply in order to qualify for the referral bonus.


SHARE continues to spotlight members in a series of personal profiles we call “SHARE’d Stories.” Check out the latest profiles of Oncology Clinic PCA Dareth Watts and Denials Resolutions Specialist Lorie Rosen. And let’s hear your story, too!  


SHARE leaders have been meeting consistently with Human Resources to discuss the impacts of the hospital’s flu vaccine mandate. The hospital continues to say that it will impose progressive discipline with staff who do not comply. They have agreed to a Problem-Solving approach to individual case management for SHARE members. More information about the hospital’s position on exemptions, vaccines for work-from-home employees, and more, can be found here


Dr. Ellison, UMass Memorial epidemiologist, joined other experts on the next wave of COVID in this series of interviews. Dr. Ellison describes that our hospital has amassed a several-month supply of PPE, and that it intends to keep ahead of the needs with the stockpile. Although much more is now known about caring for patients with the disease than during the previous surge, he stresses to readers the importance of taking precautions to avoid overloading hospital ICUs.   



SHARE Member Spotlight: Lorie Rosen, Denials Resolution Specialist


I have been working in insurance for 30 plus years. I am currently a Denial Resolution Specialist at UMass. I get lists every week of claims that have been denied by the insurance companies. We have to understand why it was denied. I try to get authorization for it or write an appeal or adjudicate for payment. What happens is someone comes to the hospital and they create a claim for the insurance company. Sometimes there is a problem and sometimes we need to get authorization. We need to do extensive research to understand what has gone wrong and how to change it.

I love the problem solving that my job requires. Developing relationships with different people from insurance companies has been really helpful in being able to get these claims through. We call the insurance companies and speak with them and hopefully get the claim reprocessed. We develop relationships with people from these companies and you get to know them well. I have developed these relationships and when there is a further problem we are able to go through it together. They are going to try harder to solve the issues and if there is a mistake on their end then they try to fix it as soon as possible and speed up the process instead of it coming back. 

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Click here to connect with more SHARE’d Stories

Sometimes, we get to speak with the patients and ask them to call the insurance company to just confirm who the primary insurer is. When I get to talk to patients who might be older and not understand how their insurance works, it is reassuring and warming to let them know to call the insurance company and then I can work with the insurance company to really resolve their insurance issues. This impacts not only their current payment, but also future claims. That is what is really rewarding. 

For example, we have talked to people who have been in a car accident. In these cases, we need the patient to call Medicare to update their status stating that either the claim is not due to the injuries from auth or Worker’s comp or that the auto coverage payment has been maxed out. You need to be able to talk to people effectively so that they will want to assist and make it into a positive.

Work for us has remained similar post-COVID. One of the things that has changed is that we can't scan in documents, but we can use our phones and use the equipment from our office. We are able to use the UMass phone system from our homes ensuring that the calls are secure. I am happy there is not a lot of background noise at home so I can focus more. It is quieter when I am making calls as well because the phone lines are not always great. Also, I don't have a commute anymore and that has been so helpful. I can add a few more hours to my day problem solving and working a job that I truly enjoy!