SHARE Is 25!
In September of 1997, staff at UMass Memorial voted decisively in favor of having their own union. And look at us now! We’ve negotiated solid raises every year since. We still have good health insurance at an affordable price. Every SHARE member still has a real pension . . . an uncommon benefit that provides stable, consistent income after retirement. Just as importantly, SHARE has developed an engaged community of members. We take care of ourselves and one another. And we have a say about where UMass Memorial goes from here. Happy Anniversary!
Rad Onc is wearing red to support a strong contract!
Negotiations Update
SHARE and UMass Memorial's negotiating teams continue to meet each Thursday. During our most recent session, management put on the table another counter-proposal for raises. SHARE's team can see that management's proposal moves closer to what members need, but believe that it's still not enough. SHARE's team again described the need for raises that meaningfully address the pressures of inflation, and provide wages that make hiring (and staying) at UMass Memorial more attractive.
SHARE and UMass Memorial have a tradition of reaching agreements that keep our members' wages ahead of the market. SHARE aims to continue that. The pandemic's extraordinary pressures shifted the job market significantly, and our next agreement requires more.
Negotiating side-tables continue to discuss career development as well as attendance. In our most recent session, management described their interest in absenteeism and curbing call-outs. SHARE agreed that staffing levels matter deeply to members -- especially as departments are now fatigued and short-staffed. SHARE made clear our interest in ensuring members can get time off without putting a burden on co-workers.
How You Can Help
It’s time to show some SHARE strength! Our negotiating team is making a strong case at the negotiating table, bringing forward thoughts and ideas you’ve shared. SHARE’s strength at the negotiating table comes from 3000 members staying informed and keeping connected. SHARE Signature events start next week — more details soon. Additionally, you can:
Wear red on Thursdays to support good raises and a strong contract
Complete the Competitive Compensation Research form when you learn about jobs at other employers — help us make the case to stay ahead of market pay rates
Send photos to SHARE of you with your co-workers wearing red so we can show SHARE strength online
Follow SHARE on social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram).
It’s always a good time to wear your “Always Essential” SHARE button to show that we’re sticking together! (Need some for your department? Call or email and we’ll get them to you!)
Federal Student Debt Relief Update
Good news for federal student loan borrowers: Last month, the Biden administration again extended the pause on student debt repayment. The new extension includes a “fresh start” program, which erases the default and delinquency status on late payments for millions of borrowers.
Please note: to take advantage of this debt relief, some borrowers will need to take steps before Oct. 31, 2022.
Visit AFSCME’s Student Debt Resource Center to learn about federal student debt relief programs.
You can read the full SHARE blog post about federal student debt relief here.
You may also have seen that UMass Memorial recently announced a partnership with for student debt relief management. In case you missed it, SHARE has reprinted the hospital’s announcement, which includes a list upcoming virtual information sessions about the program.
Labor Day Roundup
We hope that everyone had a meaningful Labor Day this year, with special thanks to those of you who were working on the holiday to take care of patients and our hospital. AFSCME President Lee Saunders marked the occasion with this thoughtful op-ed in Newsweek describing reasons that working people have to be optimistic now.
One of our own SHARE families joined SHARE organizers at the annual Central Massachusetts AFL-CIO Labor Day Rally this year . . . to be awarded a college scholarship! Congratulations to Adela Vasili, daughter of SHARE member Erlinda Vasili, and recipient of the $1000 prize. Adela is attending Holy Cross University.